
1. ARTIVISM, Smash EDO’s week of anti-war creativity – Brighton – 24.02.09-01.03.09
2. Climate Rush – London and Manchester – 26.02.09
3. Camp for Climate Action Gathering – Nottingham – 7-8.03.09


1. ARTIVISM, Smash EDO’s week of anti-war creativity – Brighton – 24.02.09-01.03.09
2. Climate Rush – London and Manchester – 26.02.09
3. Camp for Climate Action Gathering – Nottingham – 7-8.03.09
4. Earth First! & Treesponsibility Tree Planting weekend – Hebden Bridge – 13-15.03.09
5. People’s Blockade of the World’s Biggest Coal Port – Newcastle, Australia – 21.03.09
6. Direct action and carbon trading education weekend – London and Brighton – 21-22.03.09
7. Fossil Fools Day – all over – 01.04.09
8. Coal Caravan – Midlands, Yorkshire and North East – 24.04.09-04.05.09


1. Biofuelled attacks in Sumatra, Indonesia – 18.12.08
2. Plane Stupid turns Southampton airport into a refugee camp – 17.01.09
3. Climate Rush activists lock on to Parliament – 20.01.01
4. E.On Ref Off! – 24.01.09
5. A not-so-Royal welcome for the nuclear industry – 09.02.09
6. Manchester RBS branch roof occupation – 11.02.09
7. Occupation of Kelsterback Forest, Frankfurt Airport, Germany – Ongoing
8. New report – Catering for the Coal Industry


1. ARTIVISM, Smash EDO’s week of anti-war creativity – Brighton – 24.02.09-01.03.09
Including an Art Exhibition, Music & Voices in Exile, Peace Choir, Images from the Smash EDO campaign and the world events that inspired the resistance to Brighton’s local bomb builders. Events include Guy Smallman, international photo-journalist; on the ground photography from Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 2006; the classic drawings of John Catt, veteran anti-war activist; photography by Medyan Dairieh, Al-Jazeera journalist; ‘On the Verge’ the film they tried to ban; Clandestine Rebel Clown Training; Radical Cheerleading: make pom-poms, write cheers and practice your moves; carnival creations and mask making; and Benefit Finale at the Albert Pub.

2. Climate Rush – London and Manchester – 26.02.09
Climate Rush cordially invites you to an awards ceremony for the coal industry, to honour the world’s greatest emitters of CO2, on THURSDAY 26TH FEBRUARY at THE LANDMARK HOTEL. Dress formally for cocktails in the Winter Garden at 6.30 prompt.

And in Manchester, Northern Climate Rush will be paying a visit to the UK’s largest coal company – UK Coal. Meet in front of the Student Union building at 1pm.

3. Camp for Climate Action Gathering – Nottingham – 7-8.03.09
With the G20, climate criminals and COP 15 in mind, be part of the gathering – inspiration, action and solidarity guaranteed.

4. Earth First & Treesponsibility Tree Planting weekend – Hebden Bridge – 13-15.03.09
The annual and sociable opportunity to plant thousands of native trees on a ecologically degraded hillside is happening in March. Organised by Earth First! activists in collaboration with Calderdale community group Treesponsibility. Based in Hebden Bridge in Calderdale. A weekend of hard but satisfying work planting native woodland combined with good food and socialising.
More info: or 07983743894

5. People’s Blockade of the World’s Biggest Coal Port – Newcastle, Australia – 21.03.09
Coal exports are Australia’s single biggest contribution to global climate change, and the fastest growing. In Newcastle, the world’s biggest coal port, community groups have been campaigning against the doubling of coal exports from Newcastle Harbour. There have been three community blockades of Newcastle Harbour now, and each of them has managed to keep coal ships from entering or leaving for most of the day. The next one is on Saturday 21 March 2009.

6. Direct action and carbon trading education weekend – London and Brighton – 21-22.03.09
Climate Camp Carbon Trading Education Weekend, London. With Climate Camp targeting carbon markets this year, find out everything you ever wanted to know about carbon trading and more but were afraid to ask! More

Also this weekend, a two-day direct action training at the Cowley Club, Brighton. 10 AM start.

7. Fossil Fools Day – all over – 01.04.09
Climate Camp at the European Climate Exchange, followed by a “celebration” of BP’s centenary at the British Museum; interspersed with local actions all over the country and the world!

Climate camp hits the city: stopping carbon markets // because nature doesn’t do bailouts
On April 1st the G20 leaders arrive in London. At a time of climate crisis their response to the market meltdown is emergency loans to car manufacturers, increased spending to encourage consumption, and bailouts for the very people who got us into this mess – just the thing that will make the climate crisis worse. Don’t let them get away with it: join our camp in the Square Mile! Gather at noon, April 1st, at the European Climate Exchange, Hasilwood House, 62 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AW.

“Celebrate” BP’s centenary: Tell them the party’s over!
For reasons unfathomable yet deeply pleasing, BP has chosen Fossil Fools to celebrate its centenary. This will take place at the British Museum, where the not-so-great and the far-from-good will quaff cocktails, snaffle canapes and watch a celebratory film. Join us between 6-7pm, to say ‘Your party’s over!’ Bring banners, musical instruments, a sense of climate justice and a nonsense of foolery. Meet at 6pm at the British Museum’s Gt. Russell St. gate.

8. Coal Caravan – Midlands, Yorkshire and North East – 24.04.09-04.05.09
The fabulous climate caravan lives on, as the COAL CARAVAN, walking and cycling between the sites for proposed open cast mines and new power stations in the Midlands, Yorkshire and North East. On our route we’ll be talking to local people, organising bicycled power films and events, holding public discussions and displays, and linking groups from different areas to help strengthen isolated campaigns. For route details see:
More info or to get involved:


1. Biofuelled attacks in Sumatra, Indonesia – 18.12.08
In the rush to clear subsistence farms and forest for agro-fuel plantation, local villages in the global South are suffering. On 18th December 2008 the village of Suluk Bongkal in Sumatra, Indonesia was attacked by hundreds of armed police and paramilitaries with fire-arms and teargas and was also fire-bombed from a helicopter. Hundreds of houses were burned down and later bulldozed. Most of the villagers fled into the forests and others were arrested. The attack is linked to a subsidiary company of Sinar Mas, Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) which is clearing land for pulp and paper tree plantations. Sinar Mas is one of the biggest owners of palm oil and pulp and paper plantations in Indonesia. A protest letter is collecting signatories to send to the Indonesian authorities.
To sign and for more info:

2. Plane Stupid turns Southampton airport into a refugee camp – 17.01.09
Activists chained themselves to the entrance of Southampton airport and erected tents at the main entrance in a bid turn the regional airport into a climate refugee camp. In addition to setting up camp, activists formally submitted a planning application with Eastleigh Borough Council to turn the airport into refugee housing.

3. Climate Rush activists lock on to Parliament – 20.01.01
On the day that Parliament voted about the third runway, nine Climate Rush activists highlighted the high farce that is UK democracy by chaining themselves to the gates of Parliament. Despite staying for hours and entertaining tourists and the press, when the police finally cut them out, the activists walked away scot free.

4. E.On Ref Off! – 24.01.09
On Saturday 24th January a group of London Climate Camp activists turned up at Stamford Bridge dressed as football referees to show E.ON the red card. Over 40,000 Chelsea and Ipswich fans arriving for the game heard us blowing the whistle on E.ON’s dirty FA Cup sponsorship money, and thousands of them were personally handed an “E.ON F.OFF” red card explaining how the company is making foul profits from the climate crisis. It was all good fun and reactions were pretty positive – E.ON themselves would have paid tens of thousands to get the opposite publicity for their brand!

5. A not-so-Royal welcome for the nuclear industry – 09.02.09
Hundreds of tourists, visiting the Palace for the Changing of the Guard, were amused to see “nuclear guards” taking their place at the gates. They held up a large banner reading “Nuclear Power is Not the Answer to Climate Chaos!” and a placard reading “Royal Nuclear Family? No Thanks!”, drawing attention to the fact that Prince Andrew, the UK’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, was hosting a gala lunch at the Palace for the nuclear industry, presumably to plot how best to promote their toxic greenwash agenda at home and abroad.

6. Manchester RBS branch roof occupation – 11.02.09
Around 35 students held a climate change ‘Eviction Demonstration’ outside (and on top of) a Royal Bank of Scotland branch at the University of Manchester Students Union. The group from People and Planet also submitted a motion to the Union General Meeting proposing that the Union does not renew the lease for RBS’ branch when it expires in January 2010. Students climbed up on to the roof of the branch, and dropped banners advertising RBS’ fossil fuel investments. Others engaged in ‘rapid information dessimination’, racing off to speak to as many people as they could in 20 minutes before returning back to the RBS branch to compare scores.

7. Occupation of Kelsterback Forest, Frankfurt Airport, Germany – Ongoing The occupation of the threatened Kelsterback Forest continues. This is a large and beautiful forest that has already been encroached upon for existing airport infrastructure and is “in the way” of a planned, additional runway.

8. New report – Catering for the Coal Industry A personal account from an activist on the ground in Columbia,documenting resistance to exploitation in Columbia’s’ coal industry.The report is focused on the lives of those who prepare and serve the food necessary for the mine to function. They want people outside of La Loma to hear of their inhumane, dangerous and humiliating working conditions. Reading and sharing this report helps to break the invisibility of the exploitation within the global coal infrastructure.


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This News Sheet was brought to you by Rising Tide, a grassroots network of groups and individuals committed to taking action and building a movement against climate change.

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