Climate Activists smash windows at The Department for Transport

Climate Suffragettes smashed glass front doors at The Department for Transport early this morning in protest against the government’s decision to expand Heathrow.

Suffra-jet broken windows at Dept for Transport16.01.2009
Climate Suffragettes smashed glass front doors at The Department for Transport early this morning in protest against the government’s decision to expand Heathrow.

At 4 am, three women, wearing red climate sashes, hurled bricks and broke the glass doors of The Department for Transport, on Marsham Street, London. Echoing the protests of the Suffragettes, they wrapped their bricks in notes that read: ‘NO THIRD RUNWAY, THE SUFFRA-JETS ARE BACK before hurling them at the government building. They also hurled green paint to symbolise the greenwash they heard from the government today. They targeted the building as a direct response to yesterday’s decision to allow a third runway at Heathrow.

A spokeswoman said: “The government has opened the flood-gates for radical action. Yesterday they sacrificed all of our futures and spat in the face of democracy. The third runway is unwanted and is a global threat. When they make democracy meaningless what other
reaction could they expect?

“We have less than ten years to turn climate change around. Women cannot just stand by and let this government treat our futures as a joke. We fight for the safety of humanity, and if the government will only listen to the smash of windows, then so be it.”

Noting that their elected MPs had been refused a vote on this issue, she added;

“The government has bypassed democratic process for the sake of corporate profit. The Suffragettes died for the democratic rights that the government so sweeps aside. We take our lead from our past to defend our future.”