Climate Camp To Target Heathrow (& new videos: Another End of the World is Possible)

Last summer, over 600 people converged outside Drax coal-fired power station for 10 days of sustainable living and collective education, culminating in a day of mass action against Drax. This year, the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents near Heathrow airport.

climate camp '07 sand posterLast summer, over 600 people converged outside Drax coal-fired power station for 10 days of sustainable living and collective education, culminating in a day of mass action against Drax. This year, the Camp for Climate Action will pitch its tents near Heathrow airport.

There will be a day of mass direct action aiming to disrupt the activities of the airport and the aviation industry, but in the interests of public safety there will be no attempt to blockade runways.

Although the location is different, the philosophy of the camp remains the same: to be a place for the burgeoning network of people taking radical action on climate change around the country to come together for a week of low-impact living, education, debate, networking, strategising, celebration, and direct action. The camp will feature over 100 workshops covering topics such as climate change impacts, carbon offsetting, biofuels, peak oil, permaculture, practical renewables, campaign strategy, skills for direct action, and much more. Run without leaders by everyone who comes along, it will be a working ecological village using renewable energy, composting waste and sourcing food locally.

Aviation is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, and all our efforts to tackle climate change in other sectors are undone by the massive growth in air travel. Holding the camp at Heathrow aims to highlight the lunacy of the government’s airport expansion plans, target industry giants profiteering from the climate crisis, and raise awareness of the need to fly less. The camp will also support local residents in their long-term struggle against the building of a third runway and the destruction of their communities.

It all comes down to us, now. We are the last generation that can do anything about climate change. In 20 or 30 years time, should we not change our ways, we’ll be committed to emissions increases that will see forests burn, soils decay, oceans rise, and millions of people die. If we don’t get this issue right, so much else is lost too.

We still have time, but not for long. Make it count.

Camp for Climate Action, 14th – 21st August 2007.

To celebrate the announcement of the location for this summer’s CAMP
FOR CLIMATE ACTION – Heathrow Airport, we present:

7 Video portraits of radical climate activists

“Apocalypse is always easier to imagine than the strange and circuitous routes to what actually comes next.”
Rebecca Solnit, Hope in the Dark: The Untold History of People Power, Cannongate 2005.

Another End of the World is Possible is a series of captivating video portraits of people taking radical action against the root causes of climate change. Ranging from an activist who occupied an airport’s
taxi way, to a teacher working with kids on a deprived housing estate, the portraits demonstrate the wonderful diversity of those who will be taking part in this years Camp for Climate Action in the UK : 14th –21st August. see the all at

The 7 – 5 minute long portraits are also posted on numerous video platforms including youtube,, daily motion,v-social – Quicktime copies can be downloaded from . If you want a dvd copy contact

Interviewees are: Catherine – Climate Camp; Duncan Law – Transition Town Brixton; Pauline – Rite2No; John Stewart- Airport Watch, Julie – Growing Communities; Leo – Plane Stupid; Kevin Smith – Carbon Trade