COAL CARAVAN – route & dates update

The fabulous climate caravan lives on.

This time we will be the COAL CARAVAN, walking and cycling between the sites for proposed open cast mines and new power stations in the Midlands, Yorkshire and North East.

The fabulous climate caravan lives on.

This time we will be the COAL CARAVAN, walking and cycling between the sites for proposed open cast mines and new power stations in the Midlands, Yorkshire and North East.

On our route we’ll be talking to local people, organising bicycled power films and events, holding public discussions and displays, and linking groups from different areas to help strengthen isolated campaigns.

24 April 2009 Co2al Caravan launch party, Sumac Centre Nottingham
25 April – set off to Shipley Glen
27/28 April – cycle to Yorkshire
29 April – Fairbairn Ings
30 April – 2 May – cycle to North East
3 May – Anti-opencast workshops
4 May (Bank Holiday Monday) – Grand Finale

The caravan itself will not involve direct action (although we may offer training, if local groups so request). It will be openly organised and if you would like to go on the list please email