Coal company and police try to prohibit climat camp

Climat Camp near Cologne, Germany starting tomorow got problems with the camp site. 

Climat Camp near Cologne, Germany starting tomorow got problems with the camp site. 
The administration action of climate-camp-organizers at the administrative court in cologne against the restrictions against the climate/rtf-camp by the district police got rejected. The district police had approved the legal registration of the camp, but forbade "infrastructure in terms of accommodation and food services" to be established. the district police had filed an application for rejection against our administrative action with some outrageous claims.

That these conditions are now confirmed by the administrative court, is a blow against our basic right to freedom of assembly. Previously, the city of Kerpen announced that in the event of registration as an event also high requirements would be imposed, such as professional security service, even though it had only been at Pentecost that there was a Catholic youth camp with around 200 participants in Manheim, a without such requirements. Similarly, the city of Kerpen forbade the use of the sanitary facilities of a sports field to which the camp participants had easy access in recent years.

Like that the climate camp should be banned by the back door, so as to avoid unpleasant critical publicity at Hambach. "We believe that RWE has put pressure on the city and police because they do not like the camp," says Claudia Henry of the preparatory group, "but the stones that are placed in our way, just show how thick the sleaze between energy companys and local institutions is. "

At the moment, the people that are building up the camp are put under massive pressure to take the tents down again!

But the fight against climate change and for our livelihood can't be forbidden. The organizers of the camps will not be intimidated by administrative barriers and police harassment and will do everything so that all the camps can take place. Spread the news, stay up to date, solidarise yourself and come around.