Communique released from ELF action at university

“Complete communique of the action of January 29:

Full communique released from ELF action at university“Complete communique of the action of January 29:

In the early morning of January 29, the submissive firefighters in Mexico City (D.F.) quelled a fire within the premises of the College of Sciences and Humanities south campus (CCH Sur) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). There a machine which destroys the Earth was left forever unusable, and the administration offices of the campus were burned.

The Frente de Liberación de la Tierra (ELF) claimed this attack through a contact; we were informed that the university had been destroying a large part of the ecological reserve where a so-called ‘education’ center is being built, several varieties of trees and diverse plants were cut down, considered to be in the way of their ability to expand their facilities, and their mastery over nature; the progress and education that they extol in their classrooms is always based on domination and anthropocentrism. In this act by the UNAM, it is more than clear that not only do they wish to dominate and mold the minds of students, they also seek to expand the same control over the land and the animals that inhabit her. That’s why the destructive machine was burned, and why we also decided to set a fire on campus, now an indisputable part of the ecocide that education implements, which only wants to produce people who are submissive to authority and power; they create beings who are unable to think and act for themselves and are only educated to produce and consume.

The mass media of miscommunication, which hid the machine which had been burned, only now announced that part of the administrative offices had been burned, and that this had been caused by Porro (shock groups) [groups organized to discredit student movements]; we want to make clear that the ELF/FLT is not composed of such people, who are sent by their bosses to do absurd and meaningless things; our reasons are clear, as we struggle for total liberation (animal, land and human), and if anything blocks us we will face it until its complete destruction and elimination.

We know that the estimated damage of this action was thousands of pesos, but still we are not satisfied with that, and we will continue making war on all that oppresses us and will not allow us all to be happy– us, animals and the land.

This was just a little message, for those who profit at the expense of the destruction and domination of the ecosystem.

ELF/FLT México”

anonymous communique (translation) from