Community action: protests move Manchester tram depot plans off green

Residents halt building of Metrolink depot outside their homes on public green in Wythenshawe

November 25, 2011

A mass protest halted contractors who had started to build a 200 metre-long transport depot on a public green.

Residents halt building of Metrolink depot outside their homes on public green in Wythenshawe

November 25, 2011

A mass protest halted contractors who had started to build a 200 metre-long transport depot on a public green.

The compound, near Simonsway in Wythenshawe, is being built to contain materials while Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) construct the Metrolink line to Manchester Airport.
It will also contain machinery, a workers canteen and be floodlit at night.

But furious residents refused to allow workers to put up the building on Brownley Road claiming they were not consulted and do not want it on their doorstep.

And their protest stopped the work, and residents said they will chain themselves to trees and fencing if the workers return on Monday and attempt to continue.

Alan Birchenall, 63, said: “The children use this area all the time – especially after school.

“It's safe because it's not near the road. The signs say the Metrolink won't be finished till 2016 so it could be here for four or five years.

“We saw this fencing going up so we called a residents meeting on Thursday night and there was about 200 people there.

“They were all very angry. There are plenty of other sites nearby where they could have this.”

Around 100 protesters surrounded the builders on Friday and blocked their truck until they agreed to leave.

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Protesters force a Metrolink re-think over Wythenshawe tram compound

November 30, 2011

Alan Birchenall, a member of the Peel Estate Home Watch scheme who co-ordinated the protest, hailed the result as a victory for community action.

He said: "It just shows that when you are organised you can change things.

"It’s about people being proud of their area."


Delight as road protesters win U-turn over Metrolink track in Droylsden

December 13, 2011

Residents who brought traffic to a standstill with a rush-hour protest are celebrating after plans to introduce a raised tram track were scrapped.

In a protest they walked across a pedestrian crossing for more than an hour, blocking the road. They were furious at Metrolink bosses, accusing them of trying to force through the plans which they claimed would cause traffic chaos and lengthy delays. But the proposals have now been dropped
