Concerned Locals take to the Trees at Hinkley Point near Bridgwater, Somerset

Update 8th Feb: Overnight on February 6th, anti nuclear activists occupied trees on EDF's proposed new nuclear site west of Hinkley Point in Somerset.  This was in response to intial ground-clearance work being carried out by contractors the day before.

Although EDF have subsequently said that the work being done was only the clearing of dead elms, this is undoubtedly the first stage in preparing for major clearance, since EDF have now been given the go-ahead to begin reducing this beautiful piece of Somerset coastline to a lunar landscape.  They  are being permitted to do this even though it will be 12 months before they will know if they have planning permission for the 2 new nuclear reactors and a radioactive waste dump.  They obviously think this is a done deal!

In response to media interest today, including BBC TV Points West, Somerset Sound and Radio 4, and the Western Daily Press, EDF have also claimed that this stand of oak is not scheduled to be felled as part of the so-called “Preliminary Works”.  However, WSDC Planning Officer Andrew Goodchild has confirmed that this is untrue, and ALL vegetation within the site will have to be cleared in the next 4 to 6 weeks under the aptly named “Phase Zero”.   The nesting season won't be a big problem though, as they have a special license from “Natural England” to destroy the feathered songsters homes.  It seems they have a special license for just about anything!

Money talks, but actions talk louder.  The gallant folk who took command of the situation have acted pre-emptively and spontaneously and are currently few in number.  They are in a net off the ground and “just about” warm enough.  They need ground support – people to just visit them with treats, flasks, and warm words – which will also help defend them by keeping everything in the public eye.  A video camera would be extremely helpful, and maybe more phones.  RIGHT NOW THEY NEED A DELIVERY OF WARM SOCKS.



Protestors take to the trees at Hinkley Point in a bid to save ancient oaks from being trashed by EDF before government decision on new nuclear is re-examined.

Early this morning, concerned locals occupied threatened, ancient trees at the proposed site for a new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point, near Bridgwater in Somerset.

Michael Hunt, one of the tree occupiers said of their action :
“ We're here to stop work on this criminal development and to protect the ancient trees that are surrounded by a special conservation area but mysteriously excluded from it “

The protest was precipitated by last week's shocking revelation in a report by Unlock Democracy and the Association for Conservation of Energy entitled “ A Corruption of Governance?”

The report reveals in detail how MPs and Parliament based their national energy policy, specifically their policy to build new nuclear power on falsified information.

The report outlines that, on the basis of the Government’s own evidence, we do not need new nuclear to ‘keep the lights on’ or reduce CO2 emissions. It goes on to show that, on the basis of the Government’s own evidence, it is not the best way to cut carbon. In everyday terms, the building of new nuclear power stations to provide electricity is likely to mean higher fuel bills.

The report concludes that this corruption of governance can only be rectified if Parliament re-opens this debate, and MPs vote on this issue having seen the correct information.

EDF's plans to disrupt lives and livelihoods by digging up the 400 acres landscape and beautiful coastline in the coming weeks has already begun with the trees, says local campaigner Sarah Stone “We managed to get an emergency tree preservation order last year because the trees were threatened by this development, but WSDC refused to make it a full order after six months because they claimed they'd given permission to EDF to trash the site even though to date this decisions is still not published. This whole application has been characterised by lies, deceit, and corporate bullying it's made a complete joke out of the British planning system and if they won't protect the trees until there is a proper decision about nuclear new build then we will”
Notes to Editor
1) Corruption of Governance report was published last week and presented to minsiters at Parliament. It can be found here
2) The trees were subject to an emergency tree preservation order last March which was dropped by WSDC in October last year.
For interviews contact Theo on 01749860767 or 07805666239

south west against nuclear