Copenhagen Mass action against Coal Plant today

26th September 2009

Shut it Down purple bloc bannerShut it Down cop confrontation26th September 2009
Today in Copenhagen is a large mass action against a Coal Power Station near to the city. Breaking news is of one mass ‘preventative’ arrest of activists from one of the two blocks (green / purple) and the cops attacking another group with truncheons. A hole has been cut in the fence of the plant at the rear. The action is continuing…

As is now usual when the Danish cops make a mass ‘preventative’ arrest of loads of protesters, they kettle them, take them individually, and handcuff them with their arms behind their back. Then they put each person one by one behind the other with the legs alongside the one in front. Sitting in the fashion for a while becomes painful as you wait for the wagons to eventually arrive and cart you off from the protest site.

They’ve been using this mass arrest thing for a number of years now. It doesn’t matter who you are, if you’re in the place they want to arrest people then its tough!

It’s like the UK kettle with an added twist!

Today about 1500 people took direct action to shut down one of Copenhagen’s coal fire power plants.

The action plan was openly announced several months ago and Danish police have been gearing up for massive use of force and to trial new anti-protest laws. Around 100 of the protesters managed to get inside the power plant which should have been shut down due to safety regulations at that point – but was kept running. However, as this was the goal for the action protesters have declared the action a success. Around 100 people have been arrested.

One person so far has been charged. The action was widely and positively covered in Danish news and protesters regard it as a very positive trial run for actions around the COP 15.

Success critera for Shut It Down Saturday 26th September, Copenhagen

1. enter a power plant and to shut down the production
2. confront politicians and energy companies with direct action, challenging the existing system
3. to evoke international recognition of the intentness of climate movements
4. mobilise people for climate activism by participating in an creative, colourful and integrating action
5. and finally to raise awareness about the conflict between coal power and climate change