CRITICAL MASS – friday, London – may be the biggest ever? Plus Bristol & Glasgow call-outs

police have won a high court appeal. it means that ‘organisers’ of the critical mass bike ride have to inform the police ahead of time and negotiate a fixed route. since there are really no organisers, the mass will have difficulty complying. it is simply a get-together of cyclists to go for an unorganised but synchronistic ride. a large turn-out will complicate the enforcement of this repressive decision.

police have won a high court appeal. it means that ‘organisers’ of the critical mass bike ride have to inform the police ahead of time and negotiate a fixed route. since there are really no organisers, the mass will have difficulty complying. it is simply a get-together of cyclists to go for an unorganised but synchronistic ride. a large turn-out will complicate the enforcement of this repressive decision.

back in october 2005, after the introduction of SOCPA (serious organised crime and police act) section 132, controlling protest around parliament, police handed out their leaflets warning the mass may be controlled.

in response, around 1500 cyclists took to the streets in november, bringing central london to a standstill, and making it impossible for the police to enforce their crazy repression.

you don’t have a lot of time to organise, but if you want to build a similar event, it’s up to everyone to spread this news far and wide – leaflet, poster and recruit your local cycle shop, write to your local newspaper (“local person intends to defy police ban by cycling on friday”), swamp your mailing lists, and so on and so on.

remember, the critical mass is not an ‘organised’ event, and so cannot notify the police in advance of its route. since it’s not organised by any one person, it means everyone who wants a mass needs to do something this week to make it happen large! no-one will do it for you.

so start acting, and think positive and huge – if 1500 can come out on a cold november night over this issue, think how many might turn up on a pleasant may evening?


“One of the three appeal judges hearing today’s case did rule in favour of the cyclists. Lord Justice Wall said a ruling that the event fell within the Public Order Act was “potentially oppressive”. “The police, in my judgment, know what the cyclists are going to do. They are going to ride around the Greater London area. “That is a perfectly lawful activity, and if, for any reason, it ceases to be so, the police have ample powers to intervene.The judge said it was a valid argument that not only is the Critical Mass rally a part of London life, but that none of the bodies responsible for public transport in London had ever felt it necessary to ask the police to consider using the Public Order Act against it.”


Bristol CM headerThis Friday – 25th of May – Critical Mass

THIS FRIDAY – 25th of May – Critical Mass from the Fountains @ 5:30pm

Critical Mass isn’t BLOCKING traffic – We ARE Traffic.

Critical Mass is a monthly bicycle ride to celebrate cycling and to assert cyclists’ right to the road, happening on the last Friday of
every month in hundreds of cities and towns around the world. We meet at 5.30pm outside the Fountains near the Waterfront to set off by 6pm.

We take a leisurely ride through the city of Bristol for 30 mins to an hour allowing us to make our point and communicate effectively with other road users and authorities.

By getting cars to slow down for cyclists we hope to raise awareness for:

the benefits of cycling
the need for more buses
the need for more cycle lanes
cut down your driving
car drivers need to chill out
cycling is fun and there are lots of like minded people willing to do
something fun to help the environment.

Critical Mass isn’t BLOCKING traffic – We ARE Traffic.

for more info see


Glasgow CM May 07 flierBIG BIKE BLESSING – A Mass for Glasgow Critical Mass

Come all, come many …see you there with holly oil.

May 25th, 5:30pm, George Sq, !!Bring your Bike to be Blessed!!

Who do you turn to when you no longer can cycle safely in the city?
The police? The Council? The Prime Minister?
No … we need something bigger. We need the most powerful force to protect our bikes on our journey through the city on the next Critical Mass bike ride. This is why we will be calling upon the All Mighty Lord to bless all of our self-propelled vehicles. Amen! A Divine Intervention will ensure our safety so we will be blessing the bikes with our holly waters, chanting holly hymns from the holly Bike Bible. Hallelujah! For it is the bikes that have been sent down from the heavens to save us and our burning planet. Amen!

Come all, bring your children and your parents, join the merry sounds of the Critical Mass.


There is a growing cycling culture in Glasgow that is not being addressed by the Glasgow city council. Although the bike is by far the quickest, most efficient and environmentally friendly means of getting around in the city, there are hardly any bike facility, bike lanes are paired up taxis and buses and the list goes on.

Although the city council claims that there are up to “375km of identified cycle route” ( the majority of them are no longer than a couple of hundred meters before they get cut by a road, a building, or a parking lot.


Critical Mass, Urban Playground, Glasgow Kiss, The Weird Bike Show, and more

What to expect?

Well you should expect a safe and peaceful bike ride with other jolly cyclists, spontaneous interventions and a safe look into experiencing the city on a self propelled vehicle. As well a, a Giant Priest, a sound system on wheels, some weird bikes, a rickshaw, and much much more.

The What?

There is also a fancy dress party organized by Bedlam Boudoir and their incredible costumes. We will have the bicycle stamp on the ride which will allow you a special discount for the party later on. Special points for coming as a religious figure to bless bike and dance at party.