Critical Mass reports (October) – Sheffield, London

A pleasant ride across Sheffield with a number of cycling enthusiasts on Friday 26 October. Also accompanied by 2 police bike officers and a patrol car.

Come along on the next one.. last Friday of the month, 5:30pm at the University Concourse

A pleasant ride across Sheffield with a number of cycling enthusiasts on Friday 26 October. Also accompanied by 2 police bike officers and a patrol car.

Come along on the next one.. last Friday of the month, 5:30pm at the University Concourse


FIT on bikes at London Critical Mass

At least one officer from the FIT (Forwards Intelligence Team) were spotted on the critical mass without their usual blue-shoulder uniforms on and on bikes!

Sergeant CW 36 seen here at Climate Camp was seen on a bike with the regular bike cops on the Critical Mass. Have they decided to give up their climate killing cars and use peddle power to continue their agenda of intimidation? Have recent FITwatch actions made them think twice about being so open? Is this just one cop deciding to be a bike cop for a change?

Either way people should be aware that just because they can’t see FIT it doesn’t mean that the cops they see about them aren’t also gathering intelligence.


A fairly smooth Halloween style ride with few if any police hassles.

There were a good numbers compared to the previous month. Several sound systems. No blocking junctions this time. Some London landmarks are highlighted in the video.
