Direct action against the High-Speed Railway in the Basque Country

Today, July 1, we have locked ourselves up inside an underground mine with the aim of stopping the construction of the HST and the destruction this is causing/will/would cause, to denounce the social model it represents.

Basque anti-TAV barrel lock-onItsasondo – FROM MINES AGAINST HIGH-SPEED TRAIN
Today, July 1, we have locked ourselves up inside an underground mine with the aim of stopping the construction of the HST and the destruction this is causing/will/would cause, to denounce the social model it represents.

Four people locked themselves up in underground mines Itsasondo, with no way out. But they are not alone, outside many people athered to protect them and to show them our support.

Near here, at the Mariaratz construction site, there are daily explosions – explosions which destroy Earth and everything on/in/within it. as a consequence of the tunnel digging these mines can collapse, endangering the lives of these four people. Therefore, we demand the immediate halt of the works.

We know the risk is high. We’ve got into the depths, to secure this land with our bodies. We are locked into the mines to defend our ideas and to denounce the lack of a sense of the powerful. Our bodies are our weapons, direct action our way. Once again we have gathered here in Goierri (one of the valleys where the railway linking Bilbo with Donostia (Saint Sebastian) would run through), because the situation in the area is really worrying. They are currently working on five points: Mariaratz, Olaberria, San Martín, and Berostegi Itsasondo.

In October last year we climb the trees to stop the work and warn people about the situation and today we had to get underground. Trees and land, two key elements and seriously affected by the HST works. They know and we know that many people are against the HST. More than 15,000 people in the manifestation of Hendaye, clearest results in popular consultations and other events.

But power is deaf to this massive opposition and the situation is worsening. Civil disobedience and direct action are the only way we can stop this disaster, and as long as they keep so adamant to build the HST we will continue to confront them. Horizontal organization and self-organization, that’s the way. To transform this social model we need to change the basis of it, priorizing proximity and small things, building local networks and promoting peoples’ lifestyle and culture.

Therefore, we invite you come along to Itsasondo, to participate in the organised activities and protests and to spread information and mobilize on behalf of these activists and against the HST in your villages and cities.

– Everyday vigil at 7 pm in Itsasondo.
– Demonstrations in the towns – Sunday 4th July, rally at 5 pm from the Plaza de Ordizia

ONGOING INFORMATION POINT at Itsasondoś main square Contact: 695 715 510 (Spanish)

(Brief update: the construction company, the Basque Railway Service and the police have all refused to stop the explosions of the tunnel excavations, thereby endangering the lives of the four activists who are currently underground)