Dozens of Swampys desperately needed to save Rospuda Valley, Poland

People who will defend the valley are needed. Do not leave Polish eco-warriors alone. Polish ultracatholic government is building a road through primeval forest. An inquiry into the preparation of this investment shows that the decison process was undemocratic, a variant called Chodorki variant of the proposed bypass that was avoiding the valley altogether was excluded from the appraisal procedure, as well as the Eastern variant, which was the cheapest.

Rospuda 1Rospuda 2Rospuda 3People who will defend the valley are needed. Do not leave Polish eco-warriors alone. Polish ultracatholic government is building a road through primeval forest. An inquiry into the preparation of this investment shows that the decison process was undemocratic, a variant called Chodorki variant of the proposed bypass that was avoiding the valley altogether was excluded from the appraisal procedure, as well as the Eastern variant, which was the cheapest.

Swampys in all qualities and quantities are needed in Poland to stop, or slow down the inwestment, and to create the much needed media coverage of this problem. As by now, no one of the national media reporting on the problem have not arrived to the core of the problem, that is the manipulations of the authorities with the choice of the variants and manipulated transport investment appraisal process. The government-owned TVP (kind of Polish BBC, alas ultracatholic and neonationalistic) is so biased when reporting on the issue, that it despereatedly tries to show ecologists as mentally ill people that possess even no capability to speak in their own name.

Here are the directions to Rospuda Valley.

The Valley is here:,22.934303&spn=0.146468,0.3162&om=1

The camp is over the river. Easy to find if arrived to Augustów no later than in the mid-day as it might be 4 hours walk from the town.

From Kaunas to Augustów you might take a bus or a train. There is one train connection daily from Kaunas to Augustów, the train departs at 13:01 with change in Sestokai and arrives at 15:56. The schedules (also connections from other European cities to Augustów) are here:

Nights are cold. Please check the weather forecast before departing. Get ready for more than minus 10 degree in the night.

plea for international support and publicity, let everyone you know, know. people needed to support camp with people power. if you plan to go to rospuda from u.k in mid march, contact

Rospuda Protest Camp – Films for viewing

Use the links below to watch the most recent films from the Rospuda Protest Camp. This will give you an idea of the conditions and temperatures being endured by the activists. Dialogue is in Polish language, but the images speak for themselves:

The camp:

Olecko town feeds the protesters: