Earth First! Direct Action Manual & Ecodefense available online

Dam Front Cover

Dam Front Cover

The Earth First! Direct Action Manual and Ecodefense: a Field Guide to Monkeywrenching, are both available to read online.

You may want to consider your security when viewing these, as with many good reads. 

The release of the 3rd edition of the DAM has been a huge success. In under a year we sold out of our first print run, and have now gone back to the presses to print 2,000 additional copies so that this valuable tool remains available for the uncompromising direct action movements defending the Earth and its inhabitants.

You can download or buy them from here where there's also other useful resources such as How to Sink Whalers, Driftnetters and Other Environmentally Destructive Ships', 'Black Cat Sabotage Manual', the British-produced 'Ozymandias Sabotage Handbook' and EF! Climbers Guild publications.