Earth First! Roma, waiting Copenaghen…

To the dawn of Tuesday 20 October a group of activists of Earth First! Rome have begun the campaign of awakening in view of the vertex on the climate that will have been to Copenaghen since November 30 to December 10.

Earth First! Roma, waiting Copenaghen...To the dawn of Tuesday 20 October a group of activists of Earth First! Rome have begun the campaign of awakening in view of the vertex on the climate that will have been to Copenaghen since November 30 to December 10. The select place, piazza Mazzini, has been carpeted from posters and two banners from 4 meters have been set on the advertising placards: “The hours of the planet are numbered… dye of green the city!” and “The , take departs to the solution!”
To the dawn the central fountain of the plaza resulted to be dyed of green.