Earth First! summer gathering date change & contact details

The dates of the EF! Summer Gathering have been changed, to work better with other events happening over the summer such as the Saving Iceland protest camp and the Camp for Climate Action.

The new dates are Wednesday 27th August to Monday 1st September 2008.

This should give us all the space to recover & reflect, and to plot & plan onwards and upwards.

Rabbit with spanner & Earth First!The dates of the EF! Summer Gathering have been changed, to work better with other events happening over the summer such as the Saving Iceland protest camp and the Camp for Climate Action.

The new dates are Wednesday 27th August to Monday 1st September 2008.

This should give us all the space to recover & reflect, and to plot & plan onwards and upwards.

The new contact details for the EF!SG collective is

You can download publicity – 2 posters & leaflet all in one: (front & back)

Watch this space for more info nearer the time.