Earth First! tree planting weekend in Pennines Fri 13th-Sun 15th March

The annual and occasionally hedonistic opportunity to plant thousands of native trees on a ecologically degraded hillside is happening in March. Organised by Earth First!

EF! fist tree 1The annual and occasionally hedonistic opportunity to plant thousands of native trees on a ecologically degraded hillside is happening in March. Organised by Earth First! activists in collaboration with Calderdale community group Treesponsibility we will be based in Hebden Bridge in Calderdale. If you fancy a weekend of hard but satisfying work planting native woodland combined with good food and socialising put the weekend of the 13-15th March in your diary.

Earth First! tree planting weekend…

Date: Friday 13th – Sunday 15th March

Venue: We will be staying in a camping barn with comfy beds and heating. Bring a sleeping bag.

Transport: Get yourself to Hebden Bridge train station for a pick up at 6pm or 8pm on the 13th. Pickups are available by arrangement at other times if you e-mail in advance.

Food: All food will be cooked collectively and will be vegan.

Cost: £25 for the weekend. This includes all food and accomodation. You’ll have to supply you own beer. We will be visiting the famous Blue Pig public house on the Saturday night.

Need more info? Contact: or call 07983743894