Earth Liberation Front hits in Butovo, Russia

“We waited for this night.
When we said to ourselves, “Enough!”
That night, we have proclaimed the beginning of the continuation of the struggle.
Wrestling on another front.
Against those who despite the protests of the people, ruthlessly destroy nature for profit or any other objectives.

ELF sticker logo“We waited for this night.
When we said to ourselves, “Enough!”
That night, we have proclaimed the beginning of the continuation of the struggle.
Wrestling on another front.
Against those who despite the protests of the people, ruthlessly destroy nature for profit or any other objectives.

At this time the price of this heinous act was one tractor and one excavator to dig a trench along the Butovo forests to pave the heating to the buildings internal intelligence service. This will cut down 135 trees and 268 shrubs. SVR carries most of the Butovo forest park of state forest lands in the land of Defense, for the construction of its object, thereby destroying the forest, which may affect the environmental situation in the south of Moscow.

They have not heard (or did not want to hear) the invocation of people, so that night the way home, we covered the last minute, soulless machine.
They went beyond the law, we too.
We want this to become an impetus for stronger action against those who kill our land.
When not helping the power of speech, can help force the fire.

Morning on 3 October.
Liberation Front of land.”

Porobnee of situtsii – Legal campaign to save the forest:

Source of translated communique:

Original source of action:

ELF Press Office: