eco demo in Bath on 1st December – updated

On the 1st of Dec, Bath Activist Network will be putting on a demo/party highlighting radical alternatives to environmental destruction.

The name of the event has been changed to ‘reclaim the planet’ – which we felt more closley matched our feelings about eco-destruction than the rather vague ‘party for the planet’!. The meeting place is still abbey courtyard, but the meeting time is now 11.30. We are hoping to make this a South West wide event (and further afield if your up for making the journey!- crash space will be avaidable), so please come along!

On the 1st of Dec, Bath Activist Network will be putting on a demo/party highlighting radical alternatives to environmental destruction.

The name of the event has been changed to ‘reclaim the planet’ – which we felt more closley matched our feelings about eco-destruction than the rather vague ‘party for the planet’!. The meeting place is still abbey courtyard, but the meeting time is now 11.30. We are hoping to make this a South West wide event (and further afield if your up for making the journey!- crash space will be avaidable), so please come along!

We will be moving through Bath saying hello to some of our favourite planet trashers, playing music, sharing food, playing games and making mischief!

Wear pink, wear black, bring cake, bring anger – all welcome!! We are working hard on our shiny new pedal powered sound system, which will hopefully be ready for the day!

We chose the date of the demo to be deliberately close to the national climate change march in London – the hope being to highlight radical alternatives to climate change, provide a more radical alternative to the London demo and get away from those damn RESPECT banners! See y’all there!

Bath Activist Network