ELF pays home visit to CEO of Australia’s dirtiest Coal Power Station

Following the Australian Rudd government’s refusal to act on reducing carbon emissions while paying into the hands of the country’s largest polluters, the E.L.F payed a home visit to the CEO of the dirtiest power station in the industrialised world, Hazelwood Power Station, in Melbourne, Australia. They hand delivered the following note to Graeme York’s home:

Graeme York
27 Rydaldene Way

Following the Australian Rudd government’s refusal to act on reducing carbon emissions while paying into the hands of the country’s largest polluters, the E.L.F payed a home visit to the CEO of the dirtiest power station in the industrialised world, Hazelwood Power Station, in Melbourne, Australia. They hand delivered the following note to Graeme York’s home:

Graeme York
27 Rydaldene Way
Berwick, Vic

Dear Graeme,

As the Chief Executive Officer of Hazelwood power station, you are responsible for the dirtiest power station in Australia and the most polluting in the Industrialised World.
You are causing irreversible environmental destruction which will go on to harm not only those living on the planet today, but your children’s children too.

We hold you personally accountable for this assault against our Earth. We do not take lightly to the perpetual destruction of our land-base for the selfish and short-term objective of fattening your bank account.

The irreplaceable and precious eco-systems of this Earth are worth much more than your manicured lawn, expensive car and opulent suburban house. Your property will not remain safe so long as Hazelwood continues to pollute at such an inexcusable level, swallow millions of litres of fresh water every hour and cough out hydrochloric and nitrogen acids in return.

This Earth does not exist for the profits of avaricious CEOs like you,

The Earth Liberation Front.