excavator set on fire at road construction site, Russia

anonymous report, from From Russia With Love:

anonymous report, from From Russia With Love:

"On wednesday, 06/03/13, we paid a visit to yet another highway expansion site. We looked for a decent target and, upon finding one, put 6 litres of gasoline wired to a timer inside driver's cockpit. Alas, the excavator didn’t burn out completely: as soon as flames burst out of the cockpit, workers rushed over and started fighting the fire. It appears that they have succeeded. Nevertheless, our point was made. In the following texts we'll speak of ways of assembling a primitive clockwork timer and how to upgrade on molotov fuse.

A traditional salute to our comrades. We express wholehearted support to every anarchist who’s got in trouble. We hope you are reading this. Granted, this period is not the best one for you, but times will change and this will pass. Of course, no need to hope for a cloudless future. We wish you luck and all the best.

Our solidarity to all the imprisoned comrades from CCF, those on the run and under trial. To everyone who continues to fight, who refuses to bow down. To all our brothers and sisters who finds strength to resist. We dedicate this arson to you. We see you in the streets.

– Conspiracy Cells of Fire – Russia, 'Artificers cell'"