Faslane Peace Camp update

As you may know Faslane Peace Camp recently put out an appeal for new members. Fortunately the publicity has generated more people moving to the camp and the good news is that it now looks like the peace camp is not going to close at this crucial time in the debate about nuclear weapons in Scotland.

As you may know Faslane Peace Camp recently put out an appeal for new members. Fortunately the publicity has generated more people moving to the camp and the good news is that it now looks like the peace camp is not going to close at this crucial time in the debate about nuclear weapons in Scotland.
Visit Faslane Peace Camp from Camcorder Guerrillas on Vimeo.

     To help the peace camp some former residents and supporters of the camp have set up a Faslane Peace Camp Supporters network to help distribute information, fundraise, organise events and protests, benefit gigs, trips out to the camp and staying there regularly etc.

    This summer the Support Network are planning to build an eco-house using recycled materials for use as a communal space at the peace camp and we recently held a successful 'Phoenix Gathering' at the peace camp. Some of us are meeting in Mono on Wednesday 22nd May at 7.30 to discuss setting up a Support Network in Glasgow and how we can do more to help the camp.

    Anyone interested in helping to support the camp is welcome to come along!


Faslane Peace Camp Support Network


Or Faslane Peace Camp 01436 820901 / faslane30@gmail.com