Five GMO fields sabotaged in 3 weeks – Germany

Amflora potatoes (GMO) cleaned up

Dambeck (Müritzkreis), 22th June 2008

Biohazard (red)Amflora potatoes (GMO) cleaned up

Dambeck (Müritzkreis), 22th June 2008

Despite the high surveillance on the field, people managed to mix up seeds of bio-potatoes with the ones of the GMO-potatoes present on the field, which means that those last one will have to be destroyed, because thanks to this mix-up its uniqueness will not guaranteed any further.

Few weeks before, the field had been squatted by anti-GMO opponents, an eviction followed to this.


Liberation of a GMO-field in Westheim

Westheim (Unterfranken), 29th June 2008

Around 60 actvists destroyed the fence around a GMO corn-field and managed to destroy almost all of it before getting arrested by the cops.


GMO cornfield in Rheinstetten has been destroyed

Rheinstetten, 4th June 2008

In the night to the 4.7, some activist managed to destroy again some parts of the Rheinstetten experiment field, Despite a strict surveillance, over 5000m² of the field could be destroyed.
Here a translation of the communique:

“In the night from the 4 to the 5 of july, we destroyed around 5000m² of gmo cornfield in Rheinstetten-Forcheim.
We cutted away a part of it, the rest is so destroyed than nothing will ever grow anymore.
The plants can not create cobs anymore. Therefore the experiment is now failed.
The technogical center for the rural development of Augustenberg (LTZ) wanted to study the socalled „co-existence“ of gmo and non-gmo corn in Rheinstetten. Every reasonable person knows that such co-existence is impossible. A large cultivation of gmo plants conducts to a melt, soon or later. The pollen do not let themselves be ruled Seedproducers such as Monsanto render through their genetic engineering farmers all over the world dependent to their products.
By this, they endanger the world’s nourishment as much as its variety.
The LTZ and its responsible, the minister for agriculture Hauk, through their genetic engineering attempts make themselves helpers of the genetic engineering industry. They do not respect the will of the population, which mostly refuse such application within the agricultural sphere.
Fences, watchtowers and sentinels neither did stop us, nor will ever do, in defending us by all means against Monsanto and its collaborators.

Kommando Biene Maja”


NRW free from GMOs!

Werne, 10th July 2008


“Do it yourself
The attempt in Werne, NRW, could be brought to a successful end thanks to courageous way of acting. Few days ago, fields full of herbicide-resistent corn have been liberated.
Good prepared is half a reminder.
Especially small experiment-fields are a thankfull gift of the agricutural genetic engineering industry, where one can intervene in a decisive and influential way with an handful of people.
Just do it and do not let yourselves get caught
Enough written – act!”


Another gmo-field liberated

Kitzingen, 11th July 2008


“There steps the bear on! Bruno destroys the gmo-field
Experts are confirming it after it happened: Bruno the avenger is back.
Together with the ominous commando Bimberle, he left behind himself a trace of destruction at a gmo-field at Kitzingen. Even though Genhofer asked for the shooting of the problematic bears, there wasn’t at all a danger for the population.
And since there are still too many gmo-fields, Bruno said ‘Destroy them all!'”

direct action news from germany