Flotilla / vigil against nuclear power, Bradwell, Essex – Sun 9 August

Sunday, 9th August 2009 – from 14.00 to 16.00 hrs
join a peaceful summer vigil in the Blackwater Estuary

The future of the Blackwater Estuary should concern everyone. Any despoiling of this unique facility will take away the opportunity for its enjoyment for many generations to come.

Sunday, 9th August 2009 – from 14.00 to 16.00 hrs
join a peaceful summer vigil in the Blackwater Estuary

The future of the Blackwater Estuary should concern everyone. Any despoiling of this unique facility will take away the opportunity for its enjoyment for many generations to come.

This does not apply just to “the waterfolk”, but to all who enjoy outdoor pursuits and activities around the Estuary, such as local residents, fishermen, birdwatchers, ramblers and walkers, wildfowlers and for those who just like the “open and peaceful space of the Estuary”.

If we are not vigilant, the Estuary, as we like it, could be irretrievably ruined for the future.

The intention is to attract recreational and commercial users of the estuary and its surroundings to join a PEACEFUL VIGIL at Bradwell in protest against the development of a proposed new nuclear power station (possibly more than one) and the associated high level radioactive waste dump.

Watercraft –

anchor/float about off the beach to include yachts, motorboats, dinghies, kayaks canoes and “whatever” between 14.00 and 16.00 hrs

Show your participation by displaying flags/banners, if afloat – from the rigging – make these up out of old bedsheets or something similar. Just display anything to show your protest!

Walkers, birdwatchers and beachcombers –

make it an outing – bring family and friends and enjoy a picnic or barbecue on the beach in front of the old station.

If you unable to get afloat or visit Bradwell, a group will be meeting for a picnic from 1.30 onwards on West Mersea beach, close to St Peter’s Steps, and just a short walk down Coast Road from West Mersea Church. – Don’t forget to bring a sunshade if it’s a sunny day, especially if you are bringing any children!

DIRECTIONS: If coming by rail and/or bus, the two-hourly West Mersea bus 67 leaves the North Station bus stop from 8.10am onwards on the south side of the bridge. So for example if you get the one which leaves North Station at 12.10pm, Colchester High Street at about 12.15pm, and the bus station at 12.20pm it gets to Mersea near the church at 12.50pm.

Don’t forget there are special bargain bus fares on Sundays. The bus returns at 3pm, 5pm, 7pm, 9pm and 11pm so you can make a day of it. Cut your carbon footprint and leave your car at home for a change perhaps if you would normally travel by car???

There is free car parking behind the library if there are any spaces, or you can park along various roads including St Peter’s Road – go past the church and it’s to the right off Coast Road.

We want to highlight:

* Environmental damage to the Estuary foreshore, wildlife, pleasure and commercial fishing and local oyster industries
* Potential restriction on access for recreational use to the Estuary and its foreshore
* Long term on site storage of highly radioactive waste
* Increased health risks to surrounding population resulting from toxic waste and from the lack of long term evacuation plans for the surrounding areas
* Negative Visual impact of the new facility and the retention of the former station

Blackwater Against New Nuclear Group (BANNG)