G8 Bike Caravan Action Nijmegen

7.05.2007 – Today a bicycle demo against the G8 was held in Nijmegen, Holland..

Today the bicycle demo against the G8 was a success. Despite the pouring rain and the absence of the majority of the international bicycle caravan, there were still 30 cyclists ready for action. Several locations that had some connection with the G8 politics were visited by bike for some good-spirited demonstrating . Unlike in Utrecht the police was wise enough not to show up. Tonight the rest of the caravan will arrive in Nijmegen, where the cyclists will stop for the night. Tomorrow the caravan will continue towards Germany, where the G8 summit will take place from 6th to 8th of june, in Heiligendamm.

7.05.2007 – Today a bicycle demo against the G8 was held in Nijmegen, Holland..

Today the bicycle demo against the G8 was a success. Despite the pouring rain and the absence of the majority of the international bicycle caravan, there were still 30 cyclists ready for action. Several locations that had some connection with the G8 politics were visited by bike for some good-spirited demonstrating . Unlike in Utrecht the police was wise enough not to show up. Tonight the rest of the caravan will arrive in Nijmegen, where the cyclists will stop for the night. Tomorrow the caravan will continue towards Germany, where the G8 summit will take place from 6th to 8th of june, in Heiligendamm.

The first stop was made at the local Mcdonalds. This was surrounded by the cyclists and the entrance road to the mcdrive was blocked with fences.This fast food chain is a symbol of exploitation of workers and environment in third world countries by the rich western society.

Of course Berendonck was also visited. Here, environmental groups and local nature enjoyers are resisting the expansion of the golf terrain, into a valuable forest and lake area. The activsts reclaimed the public space by placing signs proclaiming “This is not a Golf State / Free access recreational area”. Trees were planted in the holes, and there was a game of football. Like Berendonck is wasted for a small group of rich people, the same goes for the G8 – on a world wide scale.

The last action was at the local headquarters of the marechaussee (immigration police). The gates to the building were locked from the outside by thick chains. Banners were hung on the fences, on which was written “no human being is illegal” and “break the power of the G8” By this way the activists protested against the Fortress of Europe. The marechaussee plays an important role in the inhumane immigration politics. Migration is one of the main themes of the protests against the G8.

Photos: http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2007/05/44322.shtml

Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5LnmkG2zOQ