Gloucestershire Airport is held to ransom

April 11, 2009
Gloucestershire Airport was plunged into darkness as environmental campaigners stole lights in protest against a new green policy.

Campaigners from Plane Stupid say they are holding a set of hi-tech solar powered lights to ransom until the airport becomes more eco-friendly.

Plane Stupid logo 2April 11, 2009
Gloucestershire Airport was plunged into darkness as environmental campaigners stole lights in protest against a new green policy.

Campaigners from Plane Stupid say they are holding a set of hi-tech solar powered lights to ransom until the airport becomes more eco-friendly.

Kevin Lister from the protest group said: “We have stolen the photovoltaic lights from the sign at the airport.

“These lights highlight the stupidity of the council’s position with the airport.

“The idea that fitting eco-friendly lights at the airport can offset the huge environmental damage that the planes will cause is an insult to those of us that care.”

The campaigners sprang into action after Gloucester City Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Management committee agreed to recommend the airport’s green policy to cabinet at a meeting on Thursday.

In a ransom note sent by email to local councillors and airport head of operations Darren Lewington, Kevin apologised for holding the environmentally-friendly lights hostage, and stated his terms.

The statement said: “We will hand them (the lights) back once the targets in the green management plan are set in accordance with the latest science, which demands that we immediately move to a zero-carbon economy, and when there is a categorical agreement that if the airport breaches the limits, operations will cease for the measurement period.”

Mr Lewington said: “First of all, I would like to say the airport is very pleased that both the Gloucester and Cheltenham committees have endorsed the policy, and I hope their cabinets will follow suit.

“It’s disappointing that Kevin has taken this particular action. This is theft and criminal damage, and those are the plain facts for Plane Stupid.

“The green policy is very much a working document and it’s not appropriate at this stage to include the demands that Kevin has made.

“It’s early days and the document will evolve, but this stunt is, in my personal opinion, a bit inappropriate.”

Gloucester City Council leader Paul James responded to Kevin’s actions, branding them “irresponsible.”

He said: “We can’t condone breaking the law, which is what this is.

“I do have respect for people who want to make sure the airport is environmentally friendly, but this isn’t the best way to go about it.

“The best thing for him to do would be to work with us and co-operate, rather than showing a contempt for democracy.”

Campaigners from Plane Stupid say they are holding a set of hi-tech solar powered lights to ransom until the airport becomes more eco-friendly.