GP ship impounded during anti-Trident action

23 February: Greenpeace ship the Arctic Sunrise impounded during floating blockade of Faslane naval base. Snippets below from GP press releases.

This morning the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise out-manoeuvred MoD ships and is now anchored across the entrance to the base. Meanwhile six smaller blocking boats have dropped off Greenpeace volunteers in canoes who are attempting to scale HMS Vigilant, one of the UK’s four Vanguard nuclear weapons subs berthed at Faslane.

23 February: Greenpeace ship the Arctic Sunrise impounded during floating blockade of Faslane naval base. Snippets below from GP press releases.

This morning the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise out-manoeuvred MoD ships and is now anchored across the entrance to the base. Meanwhile six smaller blocking boats have dropped off Greenpeace volunteers in canoes who are attempting to scale HMS Vigilant, one of the UK’s four Vanguard nuclear weapons subs berthed at Faslane.

Later that day:
UPDATE: Twenty military police stormed the ship and smashed their way onto the bridge of the Arctic Sunrise shortly after 5pm following the day-long stand-off. The military police cut the anchor chain and towed the ship into the nuclear base. All onboard have been arrested for being in a restricted area.

See for more (pix, etc)

The Arctic Sunrise is due to berth on the Thames in early March, ahead of the parliamentary debate and vote on Trident replacement.