Halalt First Nation lowers road blockade Thursday after aquifer terms reached

March 11, 2010
Halalt First Nation’s two-week water-well protest blockade on Chemainus Road was taken down Thursday morning around 8:30 a.m.

Band staff confirmed members removed the peaceful blockade that has angered motorists and spawned mischief on and near Halalt territory since being erected Feb. 25.

March 11, 2010
Halalt First Nation’s two-week water-well protest blockade on Chemainus Road was taken down Thursday morning around 8:30 a.m.

Band staff confirmed members removed the peaceful blockade that has angered motorists and spawned mischief on and near Halalt territory since being erected Feb. 25.

Lowering the blockade followed terms negotiated Wednesday by Halalt leaders and national Native chiefs, the province, and North Cowichan council.

That deal concerns Halalt aquifer supply and control demands surrounding North Cowichan’s $5.7-million Chemainus River Wells-Water Project nearing completion.