Happy Valley update, New Zealand

SE dismantle Happy Camp – so we’re relocating to SE front lawn
The Happy Valley Occupation camp has been dismantled by Solid Energy and helicoptered out of the Valley. So we’re re-locating – to Solid Energy’s Front lawn!

Media Advisory
Save Happy Valley Coalition
7.00am Friday 24 April

Protesters sleep on coal company lawn

SE dismantle Happy Camp – so we’re relocating to SE front lawn
The Happy Valley Occupation camp has been dismantled by Solid Energy and helicoptered out of the Valley. So we’re re-locating – to Solid Energy’s Front lawn!

Media Advisory
Save Happy Valley Coalition
7.00am Friday 24 April

Protesters sleep on coal company lawn

Five Save Happy Valley Coalition members camped on the front lawn of state-owned coal miner Solid Energy’s Christchurch headquarters last night. Around 30 protesters helped set up a pup tent on the lawn at 2.00pm yesterday, as a response to the removal of a long-term occupation camp on the site of a proposed West Coast coal mine.

“It certainly wasn’t as peaceful as a night in Happy Valley,” says Front Lawn Protester Anna-Clair Hunter. “We heard cars and trucks instead of weka and kiwi.”

Media are invited to a community breakfast at the Front Lawn site from 7.30-8.30am on Friday morning.

The group has spent the past five years protesting the plans of the state-owned company to destroy a pristine area north of Westport, home to 13 endangered species including /roroa/, great spotted kiwi.



Solidarity for Happy Valley in Tauranga
Banner Hung to Highlight Climate Crimes

Solid Energy and Genesis continue to profit from coal mining in New Zealand despite their “million dollar” greenwash marketing campaigns.

Happy Valley is a pristene native wetland near Westport, on the west coast of the South Island. Solid Energy plan to extend their already massive open-cast coal mine at Stockton into Happy Valley.

Two years ago a group of people concerned about climate change and the native ecosystems set up an occupation camp to protect Happy Valley. On the 21st April this year the camp was forcibly removed by Solid Energy.

Tauranga port is a key location for the trafficking of coal in and out of New Zealand by Solid Energy and Genesis. This banner was hung on a mega billboard (bearing a poignant message!) along a major road and railway used for transporting coal, in order to highlight the continued climate crimes committed by Solid Energy and Genesis in this time of global and ecological emergency.
