Hinkley Occupied Again – directions to camp

13th February 2012

13th February 2012

Protesters have for the second time in a week occupied the development site at Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset.

In the early hours of this morning anti-nuclear activists took possession of an abandoned farm on the site which is protected under International Environmental law. The site contains a Site of Special Scientific interest (SSSI) and a protected wetland (R.A.M.S.A.R site) but it is due to be cleared by power company EDF in the coming months. Protesters are angry that permission has been given for this work to begin before the company have won permission to build their controversial new nuclear plant.

Somerset born Theo Simon said "We want to reclaim this land and make sure that the wildlife that inhabits it and forages here is protected. Giving permission to clear the land before Planning Permission has even been granted clearly gives the message to EDF that permission is a done deal. I, and many others like me, want proper public consultation and debate before we commit to a technology whose toxic legacy will remain for generations.”

Local media reported this week that EDF will begin site clearance in the coming weeks, although EDF claimed the opposite when protesters occupied the trees on Tuesday.
The first phase of the preparation works will include removal of hedgerows and all trees, before stripping all topsoil and levelling the landscape, all this despite the fact that planning permission has not been granted for a new nuclear power station at the site.

Nikki Clark of SWAN said "Bat ecologists have explained to us that 86% of Bat crime is caused by the destruction of roosts carried out by developers. We have been told that the so-called 'mitigation', which involves building alternative roosts, that has been proposed by EDF has never been scientifically tested to prove that it actually works."

Questions have been raised about the Government's process of developing energy policy.
In the corruption of governance report last week it was revealed that the 'Nuclear Renaissance' was instigated against the advice of scientists, and is indicative of wider corruption within the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

The new minister brought into replace Chris Huhne, who stood down last week to face criminal charges, is Lib Dem – Ed Davey. Despite having produced the party's anti-nuclear policy in 2006, he has now made a complete U-turn and is supporting the coalition in promoting new nuclear build in the UK.

Shana Deal, one of the occupiers in Langborough Farm, said today: "If EDF's activities continue, this nature reserve will be lost forever. Not even EDF are willing to guarantee that a new nuclear power station will be economically viable, and I for one do not want to see this beautiful land turned into a Toxic Waste dump.”

The farm premises is accessible by public footpaths and visitors are being welcomed by the protesters.

For background and further information phone: 07530 947554


Directions/practical info:

In the early hours of Sunday morning a group of us moved into and occupied the premises of Langborough Farm near Hinkley Point nuclear power station. The old farmhouse premises, on a site that EDF has earmarked for it's proposed new nuclear reactor, is now a legal squat. To help them settle into their new home without any hassle the occupiers would welcome friendly visitors today and in the days ahead.

To find your way by Public Footpath to Langborough Farm, see map below, or go to half-way through the youtube film “West Country Walks” at

Friends of mine went to visit the newly squatted site next to Hinkley Point power station in Somerset this weekend. Langborough Farm (ST 201 456) is in the middle of the area on which EDF energy propose to build a new nuclear power station. They said that although work to clear the site is likely to begin in the coming weeks, it is crossed by public footpaths and bridal ways that are still open. They said that although they saw lots of G4S security, getting access to the site was easy. The security were very interested in them and took lots of photos but didn't stop them so long as they stuck to the footpaths.

They parked in the lay-by on the main approach road to the power station (Point 1 on the map) and then walked along the public footpath which starts at a stile immediately to the left of the main gates to the power station (Point 2). The footpath follows the southern perimeter fence of Hinkley B power station and then follows a hedge line west to Langborough Farm. They said it took about 15 – 20 minutes to get there. Access is very muddy and there are a couple of gates and stiles.

Remember that access to the farm is by Public Right Of Way, and if anyone tries to obstruct you they will be committing an offence under section 137 of the Highways Act 1980, punishable by a fine of up to £1000.There are many paths across the site, but your best bet may be Wick Drove Lane, where there is a lay-by for parking. Walk down to the Power Station entrance then turn left up the public footpath.

One of the occupiers said “We really want you to come and visit and  spread the word. We are fighting against a corrupt planning decision, made at the highest levels, which favours the nuclear corporations over the democratic process, and we will feel much safer here if we have visible support.”

(It's cold out there so please take warm food, water, any spare tents, blankets or bedding you may have and anything useful you can think of when you go!)

If you've got time come and stay!