History Repeated – Skyr Thrown on Greenwashing PR Managers

March 5 2009
Yesterday three black dressed individuals, masked with aluminium foil, threw green Skyr (traditional Icelandic dairy product) on representatives of Icelandic energy companies during a greenwash presentation in the University of Iceland. In June 2005 Saving Iceland threw Skyr on representatives of Alcoa and Bechtel during an international aluminium conference in Reykjavík.

Skyr chucked on PR greenwashersMarch 5 2009
Yesterday three black dressed individuals, masked with aluminium foil, threw green Skyr (traditional Icelandic dairy product) on representatives of Icelandic energy companies during a greenwash presentation in the University of Iceland. In June 2005 Saving Iceland threw Skyr on representatives of Alcoa and Bechtel during an international aluminium conference in Reykjavík.

Gaia – the student association of Master students in Environment and Natural Resources, had organized a “Green Week” in the university. Among activities was this particular presentation by e.g. Landsvirkjun (Iceland’s national energy company), O.R. (Reykjavík Energy) and Geysir Green Energy; all companies who are involved in the development of the aluminium industry in Iceland.

GreenwashNobody has claimed responsibility for the action and no press release has been sent to the media. But the historical reference is clear and one does not need a lot of imagination to get in mind what the message of this action was.

RÚV, Iceland’s national TV station stated in its evening news that Öskra!, a newly formed movement of revolutionaly students, had claimed responsibility for the action. A little later Öskra! sent out a press release saying:

Yesterday green skyr (traditional Icelandic food which has been used over the years in direct actions – showing disrespect and disapproval) was thrown on the image managers of the energy companies that took part in the green-washing days in the university.

Öskra! – The revolutionary students movement, is not responsible for the skyr throwing action, and does not know who did it, but understands and supports it completely.

“Green Energy” is one of the capitalists false solutions to the environmental destruction which threatens all life on earth. If the energy companies want to call them self green, they can just be green.

GreenwashThe Skyr throwers got away and no one was arrested but according to Iceland Review, a “university staff member caught hold of one of the activists, but lost his grip as a spectator disrupted him. Police are investigating the case.”

Like Öskra!, Saving Iceland announces a complete support with this great action!