Hit the Production – No to business as usual

13 December 2009

For latest reports see: Indymedia Timeline
Call for witnesses: If you have been pepper sprayed whilst detained get in touch! +45 528 792 04

Hit the Production - No to business as usual13 December 2009

For latest reports see: Indymedia Timeline
Call for witnesses: If you have been pepper sprayed whilst detained get in touch! +45 528 792 04

The main actions around the COP15 for the 13th December are Hit the Production at the Harbour, and a Farmers action called by Via Campesina. The farmers actions starts at 12:30 with an attendance of about 300 people, doing street theatre about Farmers and big business. At 12:40 hundreds of people march towards the harbour, with banners reading “Our planet not your business”, and giving interviews about the mass arrests yesterday. Riot police walk alongside them and less than an hour later the police blocks the demonstration by surrounding it, taking the music truck away [Photos 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Videos 1 | 2] Mass arrests start, and at about 14:45 coaches arrive to take people away. Read our eyewitness report and report of first release. By the evening, DRL TV station reports a total of 257 pre-emptive arrests today.

At the same time the Via Campesina march has progressed more peacefully, but demonstrators found that police lines have their blocked access to the Klimaforum.  Live video feed of Via Campesina Farmers action. It arrived in its final destination, near the Råhuset infopoint, despite the police attempts to disrupt it. (Report and press release).

The CJA has issued a condemnation of the unprovoked police actions while other groups are planning on launching an official complaint regarding the inhuman treatement of prisoners yesterday (press conference). First reports from those released point to similar detention condition: “They offered us no food and water. I am a diabetic and when I spoke to the police and recovered my stuff to take insulin I could not find it. After I was told by the doctor there that they did not keep insulin there, the released me.” At 17:00 a solidarity demo started outside the Vålby detention centre, that has been kettled within an hour.

For latest reports see: Indymedia Timeline | Listen to Climate Radio show for Dec 13.

See Modkraft Timeline [eng] | Motkraft.net Timeline [eng] | Nocop Imc Italy | icop15 aggregation

Yesterday’s Feature: 100,000 Protest at COP15, Police Make Mass Arrests

Meanwhile the official Summit seems to be falling into further disaray as the days go by. The Guardian newspaper reports today that “the Copenhagen climate talks hit trouble tonight as a number of African countries indicated their leaders would refuse to take part in the final summit unless significant progress was made in the next three days.” The main sticking points seem to still be about emission cuts, long-term finance, and when poor countries should start to reduce emissions. Read full article here.