Homeless campaigners and Social Centre gets eviction notice

Campaign group JUSTICE NOT CRISIS who have been campaigning for more social housing in Birmingham and helping to run a social centre in Birmingham had been served court papers. Due to the fact that there was no date or time on the papers JNC visited the Court to find out when we were to attend court.

Campaign group JUSTICE NOT CRISIS who have been campaigning for more social housing in Birmingham and helping to run a social centre in Birmingham had been served court papers. Due to the fact that there was no date or time on the papers JNC visited the Court to find out when we were to attend court. We were shocked to find that the hearing was to be held 45 minutes later and we didn’t have time to prepare or let other campaigners know what was happening.

Despite the fact that the papers were not properly served the judge continued with the hearing and awarded possesion to the owner with immediate effect. He also awarded costs against 3 named people to the tune of almost £4,000.

JUSTICE NOT CRISIS are preparing an appeal and will update this site as soon as possible.

We expect the demolition company to arrive at 9.00am on Tuesaday next week (24th Feb) to start securing the site.


For more info from our web site please visit http://www.justicenotcrisis.wordpress.com