Huntington Lane Eviction Call Out!

Site A Eviction Shock!
Wednesday 13th October, 2010

Site A at Huntington Lane has now been evicted and the camp members are putting out an urgent call out for people to get themselves down to help defend the main protest camp, which is expecting eviction any minute.

Site A Eviction Shock!
Wednesday 13th October, 2010

Site A at Huntington Lane has now been evicted and the camp members are putting out an urgent call out for people to get themselves down to help defend the main protest camp, which is expecting eviction any minute.

At around 8:30am today police officers and members of the National Eviction Team arrived on Site A to find the tree houses sadly unoccupied. The tree houses have now been removed and branches lopped off the trees so they can’t go back up.

Protesters have been threatened with arrest should they trespass upon Site A. An eviction notice is yet to be served but this chain of events would appear to suggest its imminent arrival. We would encourage any concerned individuals to pay a visit to camp whether it be to stay on, help out with defences, leave a donation or lend their moral support.

Site A is the southern most part of the site (see below marked as ‘site 2′) and the area where the mines infrastructure is to be built and the mining is to begin.

The southern most part of the site (called site 2 in this image) has been evicted

The infrastructure process has now begun and is expected to be completed relatively quickly and the commencement of mining operations is set to follow.

Please call 07503 583419 for info or to get involved.