Iceland holds UK protestor for alleged £40,000 damage using yoghurt

Paul Gill, a British protester against Iceland’s ecologically devastating Karahnjukar dam project, is being held for allegedly committing £40,000 worth of criminal damage using ‘yoghurt’.

Details are sketchy at the moment, but it seems Paul and two icelanders attended an international aluminium industry conference and made their protest felt using the medium of butter milk – they emptied out the contents of two buckets containing a mixture of “sourmilk” (Not really yoghurt but a milk product, sometimes described as “butter milk” – makes more of a stink than yoghurt), water and green colour. Damage was done to computers, furniture and conference participants clothing, according to the hotel.

Subsequently the three were arrested. The two Icelanders were released, but Paul is being held at Litla Hraun prison in Reykjavik. The hotel, Hotel Nordica, hosting the conference is apparently seeking to press charges for £40,000 of criminal damage. The action was a total success but all three who were arrested will need all the support they can get.

There was a demonstration outside the Ministry of Justice in Reykjavik demanding the immediate release of Paul.

Please contact any or all of the following:

Litla Hraun Prison, Reykjavik: 00354 4809000 (between 6pm and 10pm), then press 3.
The British Consul: Simon Mitchell, 00354 6901501. Please be polite, we want these people on our side!
If anyone’s reading this in Iceland, Paul could really do with some support – legal, material and financial.

  • Can anyone recommend a good lawyer for this sort of thing? At the moment Paul’s having to rely on a police-appointed lawyer.
  • He could do with some clothes, soap and washing stuff and books in English.
  • Money wouldn’t go amiss, for phone cards etc.

Please do what you can to help! Email with any queries.

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