Indigenous Elders & Supporters Occupy ALEC Member Salt River Project Headquarters


Indigenous Dine’ (Navajo) and O’odham elders and supporters are taking direct action by occupying Salt River Project (SRP) headquarters today at 10am. This action is occurring while the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) holds their “States & Nation Policy Summit” in Scottsdale, AZ. SRP is on ALEC’s corporate board.


Indigenous Dine’ (Navajo) and O’odham elders and supporters are taking direct action by occupying Salt River Project (SRP) headquarters today at 10am. This action is occurring while the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) holds their “States & Nation Policy Summit” in Scottsdale, AZ. SRP is on ALEC’s corporate board.

Louise Benally, a resident of Black Mesa impacted by SRP’s operations, is delivering a letter to SRP that outlines critical concerns of her community. She expressed that “My community is heavily impacted by Salt River Project’s coal and water extraction activities. SRP has extensive ties to Peabody Energy’s massive mining operations and the Navajo Generating Station which they co-own. Coal mining has destroyed thousands of archeological sites and our only water source has been seriously compromised. Their operations are causing widespread respiratory problems, lung diseases, and other health impacts on humans, the environment, and all living things.”

“…We demand that SRP & Peabody meaningfully involve the indigenous communities they are impacting, and that they convert to non-fossil fuel based energy sources and address the health impacts on our communities.”

“…ALEC, acting in the corporate interests of SRP & Peabody Energy, continues policies & operations that are not only devastating whole communities and ecosystems, but greatly de-stabilizing our planet’s climate for the profit of a few, the so-called 1%.” stated Benally.

Ofelia Rivas, an elder and activist of the O’odham, Indigenous Peoples on the border of Arizona and Mexico, states “As indigenous people we understand that the balance of the land is actually the balance of our people and any disturbance of that is very devastating not only to our spiritual health but our overall physical health, as well as all living things. As indigenous people we are not separated from our environment. We’re deeply connected to everything in the universe: the land, the mountains, water, air, and all plant and animal life.”

“…The proposed loop 202 freeway extension that threatens South Mountain and the continuing construction of the US and Mexico border and it’s militarization. Trade policies such as NAFTA and CANAMEX alter our way of life and threatens our Him’dag. We will no longer accept the violence the state attempts to enforce on us along their border. Especially the aggressive legislation of ALEC. We demand you recognize the declaration of universal indigenous rights as well as the rights of our mother earth. Enough is enough, it ends now!”

The massive canals constructed before colonial invasion of O’odham lands are now being utilized by Salt River Project. O’odham culture is deeply rooted throughout this area, which is as far north as the Phoenix Valley, as far west as the coast of Mexico in what is now Rocky Point, east as the San Pedro river and as far south as Hermosillo and the Sierra Madres Mountains.

Ray Aguilar stated that “the air conditioning and power we enjoy and water we drink comes at the suffering caused by SRP and Peabody’s exploitation of the land and people. When will we realize that our privileges our based on this? We must take further action. I just spent one week doing direct, on-land support with Black Mesa residents assisting with basic essential human needs.  That’s why I’m here today. This critical situation would not exist if not for these greedy corporations.”

Peabody Energy, also an ALEC member, is the world’s largest private-sector coal company. With 2010 sales of 246 million tons and nearly $7 billion in revenues, Peabody creates 10 percent of U.S. power and 2 percent of worldwide electricity.

Since 1974 more than 14,000 Dine’ families have been forcibly removed from their ancestral homelands due in large part due to U.S.-backed tribal councils and cola mining.

Photos, videos and what happened next at


ALEC Background, call-out etc

The convergence to expose and shut down the American Legislative
Exchange Council's policy meeting has begun in Scottsdale, AZ. ALEC's
tentacles reach into almost every one of the environmental and social
justice struggles we work on. Exposing ALEC is difficult because of the
massive amount of information we have about them and the broad range of
issues they effect. As wikileaks has been the platform for a vast amount
of information bringing light to corruption, is a treasure trove information exposing
ALEC.  I'm looking for help posting to independent media websites and
blogs about the ALEC protest in AZ, and links to ALECs regional impacts.
We need a few people around the country posting to both english and
spanish language indymedia sites.

There are press releases in english and spanish and a call to action (including information about the action to "Occupy the Phones") see attachment and

websites: - for general information about the convergence to shut down alec - We are posting media (foto/video) directly by tagging flickr photos and video with the hashtags: #occupyALEC, #shutdownALEC and/or #ALECexposed

The AZ Resists media team is posting video on <> on channel: shutdownalec. Crowd sourced video on

Please pass on this email to anyone you think might be interested in supporting!

In Solidarity

AZ Resists ALEC Media Team 530-598-1670 <tel:530-598-1670>


This document includes informations about:


-Call for National Solidarity

-Suggested Actions to help expose ALEC!


2. Tell them you do not approve of their decision to host the American Legislative Exchange Council's (ALEC’s) States and Policy summit.

3. Be friendly, don't take your anger out on the hotel workers who are not responsible, but make sure your message gets across.

4. Hang up, and call again.

Use these numbers to occupy their lines!

general contact: 480.624.1000 <tel:480.624.1000>

resort reservations: 480.624.1202 <tel:480.624.1202>, 800.354.5892 <tel:800.354.5892>

dining reservations: 480.624.1202 <tel:480.624.1202>

spa reservations: 480.624.1202 <tel:480.624.1202>

tee time reservations: 480.624.1202 <tel:480.624.1202>

resort activities: 480.624.1268 <tel:480.624.1268>

media contact: 480.624.1315 <tel:480.624.1315>

special events: 480.624.1332 <tel:480.624.1332>

meetings and events: 480.624.1220 <tel:480.624.1220>

Background info:

The Westin Kierland Resort & Spa is built to host conventions. Tucked away in Scottsdale, and less than one mile from Scottsdale Executive Airport, well-funded organizations can meet in a comfortable, secretive environment without setting foot outside the luxurious hotel grounds. This is where ALEC has chosen to bring together legislators and corporations to draft model legislation that exempts corporations from environmental and labor laws, pushes for Three Strikes and mandatory minimum sentencing, and targets, criminalizes and incarcerates communities of color, among other profit-driven laws (more info:

Call the Westin Kierland today to shame them for their part in allowing the sale of local and national legislation to the highest bidder.

More info: .

Be the media!

Here are a few suggestions for actions, share your creative ideas with us and keep in touch on N30.

#occupyALEC, #shutdownALEC and/or #ALECexposed

-Hold a Teach-In or other educational outreach event (an informative power point and other resources are available:

-Shut down the 1% ! Occupy an ALEC corporation near you…too many to choose from? Focus on the board of directors

-Bring your message to an ALEC legislative member near you. What’s your local connection to ALEC? – In AZ we are focusing on the ongoing colonization and exploitation of Native land and ALEC’s connection to immigration and the private prison industry.

-Street theater exposing corruption – Remember Billionaires for Bush? - Form a “business suit bloc” and March! (

-Literally “Expose” ALEC – two letters per butt cheek...just sayin’... Or get a trench coat and hide ALEC’s sample bills inside…show people what’s under your coat…

Go to the website and see “Find ‘Find Model Bills’ here”

-Twitter and Blog about ALEC on N30- get the word out far and wide!

-So many issues! Can’t decide? Focus on how private prisons affect your community.

-Got a projector? Have a guerilla movie night to expose ALECs major funder the Koch brothers.

Lots more information can be found at:


Take Action on N30!SHUT ALEC DOWN!

From November 30 to December 3rd, 2011,some of the most powerful corporations and thousands of state legislators will be bringing Wall Street politics and greed to Scottsdale, AZ. The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), will be having their States and Nations Policy Summit where they can continue their drive for profits, and to control and destroy our communities and the earth.

Most of us learned about ALEC, a secretive nation-wide organization, when they were exposed for their relationship with private prisons and their role in SB1070 and its copy cat laws, although they've been involved in various efforts to criminalize people through such things as the mandatory minimum sentencing and three strikes laws. They were also involved in the creation of the animal enterprise terrorism act (AETA), they support companies (including BP) involved with energy extraction across the world (including Tar Sands), as well big pharmaceutical companies.

We are calling for a *national day of action*on November 30 to demonstrate against ALEC during their conference.

Join us in Scottsdale, AZ on occupied Onk Akimel O’odham lands, to expose, confront, and resist ALEC and what they represent.

ALEC is everywhere. If you can't make it, find one or more representatives of ALEC (corporate, government, or non-profit org) in your area to expose, confront, and resist!

Please spread the word!


Some Messaging:

“We want ALEC to be so transparent they don’t exist anymore”

“ALEC is the 1% ”

“Corporations write legislation?!? This is corrupt and should stop!”

“People over Profits! No more profiting of the misery of others”