International Day of Direct Action Against Climate Change and the G8 – UK events: Haringey… (& Jeff Luers solidarity callout)

Friday 8th June 2007
Direct Action for Climate Justice – Resistance is Self Defense!

We all know the terrifying statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines … the G8 have had over 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying our planet and our future. And while the G8 continues to line their pockets, island states disappear and hundreds of thousands die as a result of the freak weather conditions caused by their irrational and uncontrollable obsession with never ending economic growth.

G8 2007 climate day flierFriday 8th June 2007
Direct Action for Climate Justice – Resistance is Self Defense!

We all know the terrifying statistics: a million species extinct by 2050, 19 of the 20 hottest years on record since 1980, Greenland and Antarctica melting, droughts, floods, famines … the G8 have had over 30 years to address climate change and only succeeded in providing trillions in subsidies to the very industries that are destroying our planet and our future. And while the G8 continues to line their pockets, island states disappear and hundreds of thousands die as a result of the freak weather conditions caused by their irrational and uncontrollable obsession with never ending economic growth.

We have a ten-year window to act. As the megalomaniac G8 leaders meet in Germany, masked behind a barrier of fences and soldiers, intent on leading us further towards catastrophic and irreversible climate chaos, we must shout, scream and roar ‘no more’. Now is the time to take direct action and shut them down, them and their climate criminal industry friends!

The 8th of June International Day of Action Against Climate Change and the G8 has been called by the International Rising Tide Network. This is a call for autonomous, decentralized actions appropriate for your town, city, or local area. Use this international day of action to support local struggles against oil refineries, gas pipelines, strip mines and coal-fired power plants. Disrupt the financial backers of the fossil fuel industry. Organise workshops to spread sustainable post-petroleum living skills. Find a weak point in the infrastructure of resource exploitation and throw a literal or symbolic wrench in the works. It’s time to visit your local polluters and give ’em hell!

We already know of actions planned across the UK, North America, Germany, Canada and Australia and that’s just the start! By 8th June actions will be planned around the world. Pass this call out on to all environmental justice, climate action, radical sustainability and related movements in all the G8 countries and the Global South.

Rising Tide will create a collection of outreach and agit-prop materials (including this call out in five different languages) that can be used by groups around the world to organise locally. These materials will be downloadable from and
Direct action and civil disobedience are the rational response in this time of crisis. Support the 8th of June International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8! Tell us about planned actions for climate justice being planned in your community. Contact us – and

In June 2007 the G8 will understand the meaning of rebellion, revolt and revolution. Their recipe for catastrophe will be met with our worldwide resistance!

*G8 Day of Action Resources – Downloadable G8 day of Action flyers and posters.
*Organise a Critical Mass Bike Ride on the 8th of June – here are some leaflet ideas to help you.

You could link your event in with Day of Solidarity with Jeffrey Free Luers, June 9, 2007:

June marks the seventh year that our friend and comrade, Jeffrey “Free” Luers has been imprisoned and held captive by the state. Sentenced to an outrageous 22 years and 8 months for burning three Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) at Romania Chevrolet in Eugene, Jeff has continued to be active in prison and fight back with his words and inspiration. Although Jeff recently won his appeal and is expecting a reduced sentence, this case is not over:

“I have spoken with my attorney and there are still many battles ahead. Hard choices will have to be made. I am by no means close to walking out of prison, just one step closer. This is a victory, and while my own personal struggle is making headway others are just beginning.”

We encourage people to organize events for Jeff and other political prisoners, uniting struggles for human, earth, and animal liberation. In Jeff’s own words:

“This June, show your solidarity with me, and all those who have struggled, past and present, to make this world a better place. Struggle with us. Hold demonstrations or gatherings at federal buildings or US embassies and demand change. It doesn’t matter what cause or issue you fight for – we are all connected. What does matter is that we stand united and make our voices heard.”

More at

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ANNOUNCED UK EVENTS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Can’t make it to Germany? Sick of the all those cars getting in your way on the autobahn! Don’t despair…join us on Saturday 9th of June for the 2007 Haringey Critical Mass. A leisurely ride down the Green Lanes to reclaim our streets and send a breath of fresh air to those meeting in Germany.

Saturday 9th June • Assemble 12 Noon @ Manor House
• Finishing at Chestnuts Park for a picnic •

All Welcome: especially cycles, scooters, wheelchairs, skateboards, rollerblades, pedestrians…
Supported by Haringey Solidarity Group


We are joining together on a Critical Mass Bike Ride through Haringey as a colourful and fun way of highlighting environmental and transport issues in the borough. In the week when the G8 are gathering in Germany and the day
after the International Day of Direct Action Against Climate Change we should also be focusing on the global crisis of climate change and the environmental impacts of oil dependency.

• It’s time we reclaimed our streets from the traffic and congestion that causes toxic levels of pollution and injury and death.
• We want cycle lanes on Green Lanes and all over Haringey to make cycling a safer, more viable form of transport.
• We want measures in place to reduce traffic speeds on all roads in Haringey, where dangerous driving regularly puts cyclists, children and pedestrians at risk.


• The G8 (Group of eight, most industrialized nations) Summits are hosted, on rotation, by the group’s member states. In 2007 the summit is to be held on 6-8 June in Rostock, Germany.
• While it seems to be in the news a lot, Climate Change is perhaps the issue that has received least attention compared to the scale of destruction that life on earth is facing. It is the most serious problem facing the world, more serious than international terrorism, according to the UK Government’s chief scientific advisor.
• Climate change needs to be higher on the G8 agenda. However, we cannot leave it just to the scientists and politicians to dismantle the carbon machine.
• This bike ride aims to highlight this issue through action and the promotion of cycling.

Let’s celebrate the freedom and pleasure of travelling by bike – it’s much more fun and much healthier than being stuck in a car in a traffic jam. This will be a fun day out for everyone in a safe, supportive, positive atmosphere, showing how much safer and more pleasant our streets can be.


If you feel it’s time to promote cycling and encourage a more sustainable Haringey, or if you would like to get involved, visit the Haringey Solidarity Group website: