Issue Two of the ‘Roadblock Report’ Now Out!

Issue two of the independent newsletter of the I-69 campaign is now out for your downloading, printing and distributing pleasure.
You can find both the first and the second issue on the website of Roadblock Earth First! or on the media archive section of the I-69 Media Office’s website

Issue two of the independent newsletter of the I-69 campaign is now out for your downloading, printing and distributing pleasure.
You can find both the first and the second issue on the website of Roadblock Earth First! or on the media archive section of the I-69 Media Office’s website
In this issue:

– letter from the editors about media/independent media
-breaking news stories about
• the tree sit eviction,
• Bloomington torch march,
• retaliatory actions across Indiana,
-action reports on:
• home demos,
• solidarity demos,
-updates on
• the nature walks on the route,
• the community barbq,
-opinion pieces about
• the flooding in Indiana,
• a response to allegations of violence in office demos.
-I-69 Listening project interview
-Critical thought piece on the future of the ‘anti-globalization movement.

The second issue is formatted in 8.5”X11”, to be double sided. Email roadblockreport (at) if you would like a different format.

As well, the I-69 Media Office is announcing the launch of its new website, . The I-69 Media Office is an independent clearinghouse for anti-I-69 information and action reporting. Please explore our ‘under construction’ website for more information on what we do.