Itoiz Dam – new prisoner

Long term supporters of ELP will be aware of the Itoiz dam action in Spain, where back in the late 1990s anonymous eco-activists sabotaged the construction site of the controversial Itoiz dam causing so much damage the construction was delayed by over a year. One of the things the activists did was cut the cabbles of the machines which took the dam wall blocks to the top of the dam.

Long term supporters of ELP will be aware of the Itoiz dam action in Spain, where back in the late 1990s anonymous eco-activists sabotaged the construction site of the controversial Itoiz dam causing so much damage the construction was delayed by over a year. One of the things the activists did was cut the cabbles of the machines which took the dam wall blocks to the top of the dam.

As ELP reported at the time, following the action, eight men, who were all linked to a lawful campaign against the construction, were accused of involvement in this action. Despite being innocent all eight feared they wouldn’t get a fair trial so all eight went underground. However despite not having their suspects in detention that didn’t stop the Spanish police
who held a trial for the eight men in their abscense. And surprisingly enough, as the eight weren’t there to explain their innocence, all eight were found guilty and sentenced to four years and 10 months imprisonment.

As ELP supporters will be aware, over the following years a small number of the Itoiz Dam suspects have been caught by the police and thrown into prison.

The latest Itoiz Dam suspect to be captured is JULIO VILLANUEVA. He was arrested ten days ago on the 17th of August 2007.

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