Kelsterbach protest against airport extension, camp news & upcoming events, frankfurt / germany

On Sunday, 14.12. about 150 people demonstrated in the forest of Kelsterbach (near Frankfurt / Main) against the construction of the new runway north of the current airport site.

No Night Flights (German)On Sunday, 14.12. about 150 people demonstrated in the forest of Kelsterbach (near Frankfurt / Main) against the construction of the new runway north of the current airport site.

To familiarize with the surrounding of the forest, which fraport (the company which runs the airport) wants to destroy and in view of the area which probably will be cleared first, the demonstration moved trough the forest towards the airport grounds, along the current path to where the road Okrifteler crossed the motorway 3 and the fast-train tracks. Throughout the Kelsterbacher forest are the preparatory measures (removal of munitions, sub-wood and animals) largely completed. Among the preparatory measures include marking work on the trees. These were from the demonstrators numerous and varied with paint and spray cans supplemented, so that the orientation for forestry workers in the forest in the future will be more difficult.

At the bridge on the ICE route had already posted the cops and blocked the transition towards soundproofing wall of the airport. Under the observation of a police helicopter there was a short rally, while on the road Okrifteler many new slogans against the expansion were painted.

The forest walk was a good step from the activist lethargy of the past few months!

Upcoming events:

4th January 2009: The first colourful walk in the forests in the new year will again explore the area and make the extent of forest destruction clear. Meeting: 14 clock Forest Camp

From the 12th January 2009: possible grubbing beginning, Day X
Day X is the day on which the site is fenced and / or with the clearing work is begun. Get on the alarm lists (soon under or in the forest camp)!

14th January 2009: demonstration together with pupils, students and others against the Hessian conditions in Frankfurt. Check:

Even between the years, there will be activities around the camp and against the expansion type. Keep you updated on or

Previous stories about the camp: 1 | 2