Kernow Action Now – Send us Mail

Kernow Action Now is happy to publicise all actions and community events that educate and inform people about, or prevent, the exploitation of the environment and the community.

Kernow Action Now is happy to publicise all actions and community events that educate and inform people about, or prevent, the exploitation of the environment and the community. This includes reports of actions (sent anonymously) that inflict economic damage on those profiting from the destruction of the environment and the community, and on institutions that are classist and exploitative, so long as all necessary precautions are taken against harming any animal – human or non-human. We do not support and will not publicise actions that are racist, sexist or homophobic.

To contact us, send us useful information or leaflets, write to:

c/o Unit 1356
PO Box 7169
BH15 9EL