Kew Bridge Eco Village

“On June 6th 2009, nearly a hundred activists converged on a piece of derelict land at Kew Bridge in south west London to create an eco-village community based entirely on sustainable technology and construction techniques.”

From the Eco Village facebook group

Trowel Ninja at Kew Bridge Eco Village“On June 6th 2009, nearly a hundred activists converged on a piece of derelict land at Kew Bridge in south west London to create an eco-village community based entirely on sustainable technology and construction techniques.”

From the Eco Village facebook group

Last Saturday (the 13th of June) we went to check out the Kew Eco Village…we arrived and were welcomed in…some people had come to work and others to just check it out.

The site, about an acre, has apparently been empty for over two decades and used to house a Scottish Widows building. All that remains is a small out house and a large pile of rubble close to the entrance on Kew Bridge Road. We climed the mound which included large sheets of metal and an old pub sign (immediatly next door is a pub) to survey the site. Behind us was a caravan and a wood pile. Ahead towards the river and Bridge, is mostly like a medow with a plastic covered structure where people can relax and sosialise and behind that scattered tents amidst the meadow. To the right is the kitchen and washing up area (All water has to be bought from off-site) and the remaining concrete building that people seem to sleep in and is to be the ‘safe’ for food and tools and such-like. We elected to muck in and were put on road-building duty which included a disabled access ramp (slightly narrower than planned due to a surprise unidentified pipe).

We also dug some garden planters in using old beds. This included smashing down rocks and sifting rubble to make usable soil. Others were using rocks and bricks to outline other guardens. Locals came to chat, find out what was going on and to have a look around. Kids turned up to help and hang out and to decorate the shelter with graffitti. There were tons of bees also in the yellow wildflowers. We were offered food froom the kitchen and there was water and, of course, tea .

“Come, be a part of this eco-village community!

This eco-village occupation is inspired by campaigns like The Land is Ours which campaigns peacefully for access to the land, its resources, and the decision-making processes affecting them, for everyone, irrespective of race, gender or age. for more information, please visit:

We now have a media website – Its in its early stages but check out the fantastic video episodes of our first few days!

Please post any seeds or postcards or anything you like to:

The Eco Village
2 Kew Bridge Rd

telephone: 07967864370″

see also

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