Lappersfort Forest Occupation expected to be evicted this week!

Updates Thursday 4th: the eviction has begun since this morning; it is still unclear how far the eviction is going, and if there are still people present to resist. this night at 8pm manifestation in Bruges, at ‘t Zand.

Updates Thursday 4th: the eviction has begun since this morning; it is still unclear how far the eviction is going, and if there are still people present to resist. this night at 8pm manifestation in Bruges, at ‘t Zand. Wednesday 3rd: yesterday, the federal police was seen in the neighbourhood of the Lappersforest. Several people were chased when they wanted to leave or enter the forest. There is constant patrolling in the surrounding of the forest. At this moment (Wednesday 8:00), everything seems quiet in the forest.

The eviction is still expected to happen this week.

According to a very reliable source, the occupied part of the Lappersforest will be cut down this week. We don’t know the exact date (yet), but the eviction and chopping will probably start at the beginning of the week. (This week!) Another indication is the fact that police have visited the forest three times last week.

What can you do?
– come to the forest as soon as possible
– prepare solidarity actions
– prepare actions at branch offices of GDF Suez, Fabricom, Electrabel…
– send displeased reactions to press and other media.

If you come to join the eviction resistance, bring a raincoat, warm clothes, a sleeping bag and maybe some blankets.

If you can’t make it to the inside of the forest, come to the green bridge of Steenbrugge (on the road from Oostkamp to Bruges), where there will be protest actions from the very start of the eviction. At night we gather at 8 pm on ‘t Zand in Bruges, for a demonstration.

No compromise in defence of the Earth!

– E-Mail: mgriks(at) Website: