Latest info on Camp for Climate Action (& action reports during the camp) – useful links including ‘what’s it like’ video

All the latest info you need to have a rewarding Camp for Climate Action is below – read more.

Also please note that during the camp, the best place to get related action reports will be, with others on the general IMC newswire. Daily video reports trailer.

We’ll do a round-up of actions & photos afterwards, as last year.

Climate camp penknifeAll the latest info you need to have a rewarding Camp for Climate Action is below – read more.

Also please note that during the camp, the best place to get related action reports will be, with others on the general IMC newswire. Daily video reports trailer.

We’ll do a round-up of actions & photos afterwards, as last year.

Getting there | What to bring | Neighbourhoods | Phones & security | Direct action | 9th August mass action | Other useful info about the camp | Workshop programme – you’ll find 2 workshops clearly labelled as EF! but there’ll be EF!ers, such as you dear reader, sprinkled here and there throughout the camp in all sorts of roles, or off site taking action; also check out all the exciting UK coal resistance workshops, mainly in the Welsh neighbourhood & not in the main workshop programme.

Video – Attending the camp. The practicalities, fun, and fears. Views, reassurance, clarification, and enthusiasm from people who attended in 2007, and a little bit of the magic in their words and eyes.