launch of radical newsheet – the Bath Bomb

Today, seven activists from Bath Activist Network set up shop in the middle of Bath to raise awareness and encourage people to attend the upcoming. Climate Camp

Bath Bomb logoToday, seven activists from Bath Activist Network set up shop in the middle of Bath to raise awareness and encourage people to attend the upcoming. Climate Camp

Throughout the day we gave out hundreds of leaflets, stickers, newsletters and free cake. We unfurled a banner and chalked artwork on the pavement (a community support officer threatened to get some proper cops to arrest an activist for criminal damage, but we rang the council, who told us we were welcome to chalk over as much pavement as we liked, leaving a slightly red faced cop!). We received loads of support, loads of people were voicing disgust at the injunction, and pleasure that it was crap as far as injunctions go. Everybody knew about climate camp and our arguments, and it seems to be a major talking point at the mo. All in all a good and productive day – looking forward to the camp!

We also took the opportunity to start distributing our new monthly newsletter ‘Bath Bomb’, giving a radical perspective on all the news and council sleaze in Bath! To get a copy e-mailed every month, e-mail

See y’all in the fields!


The Bath Bomb is here!

The first edition of what should turn out to be our monthly alternative news sheet, right now as plain text – a work in progress!:

*The Bath Bomb * Issue 1 July/August ’07 * @nti-copyright: copy and distribute! *

“All the news the Chron didn’t choose!”

(For further info on any of our stories, see

Bath – 1, BNP – 0

As many readers will be aware, Nick Griffin, the leader of the Nazi BNP was due to speak at Bath Uni recently. He was invited by BNP youth leader Danny Lake, a Bath Uni student.

Facing massive opposition to the speech, the Uni banned Griffin from talking. However, local Antifa (anti fascist action) members got word that Griffin was being snuck into town to give a talk to a hardcore of BNP members at a secret location. Thanks to a well placed mole, Antifa found the location, and informed the manager, who was more than happy to cancel the event (Lake had booked under the fake charity name ‘British Heritage’!).

With only 2 hours’ notice, 20 activists were scouring the streets, looking for Nazi Nick and his bonehead mates. Upon getting word that the ‘fash’ were moving toward Revolution bar, the venue was occupied by anti-fascists with the full support of the staff (one of whom was heard to say ‘do what it takes, just keep those bastards out!’). They then moved off to the Litten Tree. Antifa went in after them and after a short ‘debate’, ‘persuaded’ them to leave the pub. At this point, the old bill turned up and prevented activists from chasing the fleeing fascists. Luckily, well-placed spotters were able to follow.

They were found in Vicky Park, where, out numbered 3 to 1 by anti-fascists, they had a five minute picnic before pissing off home. An inspection of their cars revealed that none were from Bath, and had been shipped in from far and wide to give the impression of having supporters.

The BNP are a nazi organisation, led by a holocaust denying Hitler worshipper with a track record of racial violence. Bath organiser Danny Lake has been arrested twice for harassing families attending multicultural events, and has a best mate in prison for bombing a mosque. They’ve been shown once, and we can show them again – fascists are not welcome in Bath!

Diseased Liver, Anyone?

Although hushed up in the Chron, in recent months, animal rights groups in Bristol and Bath have been getting busy. ‘Paté de foie gras,’ a French import for the idle rich, is a cruel culinary treat – ducks and geese spend lifetimes trapped in cages, daily force-fed corn through painful tubes rammed down their throats, stomachs expanding to bursting point, before their livers are served on a plate. The tortured birds are often riddled with infection, and eating foie gras is linked to diseases like CJD and Alzheimer’s. Its manufacture is also banned in the UK.

Two demos persuaded Bistro No. 5 to drop it from their menu, so the campaign moved on to Le Petit Cochon, in Margaret Buildings – and what fun they had! The highly excitable staff had no problems with kicking off, scuffles inside and out, broken glass and upended tables being the order of the day. As thediners gawped on, head chefand owner Christophe charged out, pushing and shoving anyone within reach, shouting “I love ducks! I f**k ducks!” After the bestiality confessions died down, this larger-than-life character planted a kiss on one protester, and then withdrew. Two weeks later, seemingly calmed down, he claimed to have dropped foie gras. Or had he, the lying cad? Our roving reporter went undercover to discover the truth, and easily exposed the not-so-cunning ruse: the
restaurant’s still selling the putrid stuff, so watch this space for further breaking news…

Every Little (Trick in the Book) Helps

After trying to worm their way into Bath for years, Tesco’s finally seem to be getting their way. With rejection after rejection at London Road and Odd Down, yet again they were turned down at the former car showroom site John Tallis, at Bathwick Hill. But, never known for playing fair, what with all the farms and other small-scale suppliers they’ve ripped off and destroyed over the years – paying suppliers 4% less than any other supermarket – they went crying off to a government planning inspector, who overturned the council’s decision.

So, now we’ll be stuck with yet another Tesco’s Express. Whilst company spokespeople lie through their teeth, claiming that their stores give “other local businesses a boost”, the truth is that with their constant price gouging, local shops like Bathwick Stores, Tuck Time and other established small stores are likely to soon go under. Indeed, roughly 50 independent shops are squeezed out of the UK every year by big supermarkets like these. So, soon, local roads will be clogged with delivery trucks, road safety will hit blood-stained rock bottom with inadequate road-crossings, and more local jobs will be cut, because supermarkets employ two thirds less staff than smaller stores. So here’s to bigger dole queues!

Well, whilst doing our best to support local shops, when the new Tesco’s arrive, let’s make sure we give them all a big welcome: planting concrete-cracking Japanese knotweed should be just the thing!

Events Listing

Monday nights Bath Hunt Saboteur meetings 8pm back room of Bell
11th Aug Bath Free Shop @ Stall Street 12-3pm
14th—21st Aug National Camp for Climate Action nr Heathrow
5th Sept Bath Animal Action meeting back room of Bell 7.30-8.30pm
6th Sept Bath Activist Network meeting downstairs Hobgoblin 7.30-9pm
11th-14th Sept Disarm DSEI @ The Excel Centre in London
19th-24th Sept No Border Camp nr Gatwick
21st Sept Leftism benefit club night for Bristle magazine @ The Crown 9-2am

Who Are Bath Activist Network?

We are a local umbrella group campaigning on issues as diverse as development, environmentalism, anti-war, animal rights, workers’ rights and more. Helping to produce The Bath Bomb, we are open to anyone, and our members range from trade unionists to anarchists, liberals to greens, and people who just want to change Bath for the better. For details on meetings, demos, or just to get in touch, ring us on 07949 611912, email, or see our website:

Get out Yer Lifejackets for the Western Riverside Yuppie Flood!

Yup, the council have done it again and sold off the western riverside area to be turned into luxury flats.

There is major cause for concern on all fronts. A flood plain will be destroyed, making localised flooding imminent, badger, owl and kingfisher habitats will be destroyed, many Bath residents will have their views ruined by huge apartment buildings, and we’ll have to deal with an influx of more yuppies.

There are also plans to demolish the historic Bath Press to make way for a supermarket to cater for the new residents. The 200 workers of the press, many of whom had put in 30-plus years were told to get out with next to no warning to make way for the new development.

Crest Nicholson, the development company (who make a cushy sideline evicting families from houseboats to build pricey waterside flats for…. you guessed it – yuppies!) have kindly offered to make 20% of the housing ‘affordable’…cheers! That means that Bathonians from the surrounding area aren’t ever going to see inside these flats! Instead of putting effort into providing better facilities and conditions for ordinary people, the council are ignoring our needs and catering for the rich to make a quick buck.

As numerous other ‘tourist’ cities across the world have shown us, flooding our communities with rich commuters will have disastrous effects – pushing house prices up, sucking resources from the community while putting nothing back and building coffee bar after f**king coffee bar!

There are a million good arguments against this development, but the same old good reason for the councillors – profit. Actions against the development are due to start soon, we’ll keep you posted!

Flights of Fancy?

Whilst climate change is seemingly on everyone’s lips, for the British airline industry, it’s (big) business as usual. Despite hot air from Number 10 about ‘carbon emissions reduction targets’, air passenger numbers are planned to double over the next 20 years; never mind the fact that planes pollute 10 times worse than trains. This week, the British Airport Authority is desperately pushing through a new law to criminalize up to 5,000,000 members of green groups round the country. The planned injunction, lucrative work for silk-tongued lawyers, will not only ban protesters from areas inside and around Heathrow, but also from the Piccadilly line, M4 and M25.

But who are these heinous eco-terrorists that BAA is so afraid of? Earth First!? Al Qaeda? Erm, no. It’s groups like Friends of the Earth, the RSPB, The Campaign for the Protection of Rural England and No Third Runway Acton Group, based in the villages of Harmondsworth and Sipson: members include the Queen, Prince Charles and hundreds of BA staff, so they’re presumably banned, too.

All this palaver is an attempt to nip this month’s national Camp for Climate Action in the bud – a week of education, workshops and activism, set to pitch up near Heathrow. The event is expected to attract huge numbers of rent-a-cops: just like the OTT policing we saw back here in April, for the Bath Climate Camp. And if this ridiculous ban does go through, it will be yet further proof that the courts are simply hired flunkies at the corporations’ beck and call. These people are fully prepared to bulldoze over an entire village for a new runway, putting silly pipedreams like ‘economic growth’ before people’s lives.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom: other planned airport expansions up and down the country are now being beaten back: Manchester, Coventry, Luton, and Birmingham schemes were all rejected, and maybe soon Bristol Airport will join ’em!

Join the Dots – from Local Dispute to National Disaster?

Lost history, increased pollution, uninhabitable homes, not being consulted on local issues?

At the moment we may feel like a divided populace at the mercy of government, council and corporations. But if we link small local disputes over development across the country, creating networks to oppose them, we will begin to see the change we crave.

Take Bath, for example – Western Riverside Development, Tesco’s at Bathwick Hill, the recent demolition of Churchill House despite mass protest… And further from home at Heathrow, where people are fighting against the third runway, protecting the beautiful old villages they stand to lose. As a member of NOTRAG (a local group opposing the runway) says: “if it happens to us, who’s next?”

“Democracy only works if voters are active and informed” All it takes for us to be more in control, is for us to pull together locally and nationally, learning from each others’ actions and to fit campaigns into our ordinary lives, next to the washing up or getting the dinner, to remind the government that we are all part of that government too. These little bits will reap huge benefits – for you, your neighbours, your children and even the world!

Some things you could do: attend local meetings, or, if you’re part of a group, link up with other groups over a common goal, get involved in protests, create your own. If you oppose the new Tesco’s, what would you like in its place? Make that happen instead. And if the Tesco’s does get built, don’t shop there! Think neighbourhood watch on a grander scale – being aware of what’s going on in your area, supporting those around you and trying not to leave anyone out, is enough. Share the work so it doesn’t overwhelm and keep morale up by sharing the decision not to take ‘no’ for an answer.

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