Leave it in the Ground – Scotland organising meeting

Stop new coal developments in Scotland! Leave it in the Ground

Tuesday 23rd September, 7-9pm, Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (17 West Montgomery Place)

Leave it in the Ground banner logoStop new coal developments in Scotland! Leave it in the Ground

Tuesday 23rd September, 7-9pm, Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh (17 West Montgomery Place)

Catastrophic climate change is the biggest threat facing us. Burning coal is the biggest historical cause of climate change. Yet every day more coal is burned, and the coal industry and the government seem intent on burning even more.

33 new opencast coal mines and six coal fired power stations are at the planning stage in the UK alone. In Scotland, the outlook is bleak – many of these new coal mine projects are planned for the central belt, and two power stations are to be rebuilt.

Rumblings of an effort to resist these new projects have begun. Leave it in the Ground is a network supporting and developing groups across the UK as part of the campaign to stop new coal, and is growing in strength. As a network, Leave it in the Ground is run by and for the groups that make it up, existing as a way to establish common ground, facilitate networking and share information and skills.

This meeting aims to get everyone interested in stopping new coal developments in Scotland together, and talk about what we want to do about them, under the banner of ‘Leave it in the ground / No New Coal’. And there’s an awful lot to do – from research to community engagement and organising to taking direct action – its really important that we get on the case now!

In addition, there is a Leave it in the Ground national networking meeting in Manchester on the 11th and 12th October. We thought it would be good to have a meeting in Scotland before this in the hope that people would be up for going to Manchester with feedback and get Scotland more involved in the network. Please come along!