Mainshill Solidarity Camp Gathering – Saturday 31st October & Sunday 1st November + video

Building – Workshops – Action

Join us at Mainshill Wood for the weekend of the 31st October & 1st November or longer if you can.

Mainshill gathering flyerBuilding – Workshops – Action

Join us at Mainshill Wood for the weekend of the 31st October & 1st November or longer if you can.

Work has started at Mainshill, where Scottish Coal want a new coal mine but the community does not. Huge areas of plantation are being felled and JCBs have moved in. This gathering will strengthen the campaign and give new energy to the Solidarity Camp.

Events over the Weekend:

* Saturday 31st October, 13:00: A walk of the area with people from surrounding and affected communities, visiting areas that have been destroyed by Scottish Coal and areas that we can still save. A discussion on the campaign so far and where we can take it will follow.
* Climbing, tree-house building and tunnelling workshops
* A “work day” to build the Solidarity Camp some new defences
* Evening camp-fire entertainment
* Plenty of chances to stop a beautiful area of Scotland’s countryside from being turned into an opencast coal mine

What to bring:

* Warm clothes and water-proofs, a tent, sleeping bag and mat
* Any food, building materials and tools you can
* Most importantly, bring yourself and your friends

Contact us on: / 07806926040

The Solidarity Camp has been doing its best to stop work on the site, but now we need your support and solidarity to win this fight against Scottish Coal, Lord Home and South Lanarkshire Council!

Stopping Work at Mainshill – Solidarity Camp Gathering 31st Oct & 1st Nov video