Mainshill Solidarity Camp presented with eviction papers

At 17:00 in the afternoon on Wednesday 24th of June occupiers of the Mainshill Solidarity Camp in south Lanarkshire were handed eviction papers by a sheriff officer. The Solidarity camp has been summoned to appear at Lanark sheriff court on Monday the 29th at 9:45 am.

At 17:00 in the afternoon on Wednesday 24th of June occupiers of the Mainshill Solidarity Camp in south Lanarkshire were handed eviction papers by a sheriff officer. The Solidarity camp has been summoned to appear at Lanark sheriff court on Monday the 29th at 9:45 am.

The Mainshill Solidarity Camp was established on Friday 26th in the Douglas Valley in South Lanarkshire to show support to the local community who are opposing a new opencast site from being built in the area. Tree-houses and other structures in the woodland have been put in place to show Scottish Coal that they are serious about preventing the opencast site from going ahead.

”Scottish Coal and Lord Home have no right to evict us from this wood’ Said Anna Key a care worker and one of the campers currently living on the Site. ”Planning permission states that they have to carry out an environmental survey from Spring until Autumn before they can start work. Because they have commenced drilling operations and tree felling we have been forced to occupy the site to stop this illegal work from happening.”

On Sunday the 28th the Solidarity Camp are holding a community picnic at 3pm to which everyone is invited. Many people from the local community will come down to drink tea and eat cake with the campers, learn how to climb trees and paint banners to make the site look welcoming.

The solidarity camp intends to do all it can to stop the new opencast mine from going ahead and has the full support of the local community. Come along to the picnic on Sunday to get involved!