Mainshill Solidarity Camp Update: Final eviction notice issued, Lord Home investigated for fraud & tell Apex to stop drilling

Mainshill Solidarity Camp Updates:

The Camp was visited by a Sheriff Officer today who issued occupiers with a notice declaring that Scottish Coal and Douglas & Angus Estates have incurred substantial financial losses becuase of the occupation, and that if occupiers do not leave by 10:00am tomorrow (Tuesday 7th) morning they will be removed by force.

Mainshill Solidarity Camp Updates:

The Camp was visited by a Sheriff Officer today who issued occupiers with a notice declaring that Scottish Coal and Douglas & Angus Estates have incurred substantial financial losses becuase of the occupation, and that if occupiers do not leave by 10:00am tomorrow (Tuesday 7th) morning they will be removed by force.

There is no indication as to when the eviction will begin, but the camp is preparing for it to start tomorrow, so we are calling for as many people as possible to come to the camp to defend it against any attempt by court bailiffs or police to evict the site!

Please join us, see for directions.

The site is now well defended and the camp and local communities are as determined as ever that coal will not be mined here! Join us at the camp to build and dig, and support the community struggle against Scottish Coal and Lord Home. For directions, regular updates and more information go to:

We want democracy, not corrupt aristocracy! Lord Home, the land owner, is being investigated by the FBI and Scotland Yard for fraud (

Tell Apex to stop drilling at Mainshill Wood (