Manchester petrol station blockaded in Burma protest & 24th November national day of action vs Total

Yesterday, up to 20 human rights campaigners blockaded a TOTAL garage on Oxford Road, Manchester. This was in protest at Total Oil’s investment in the military regime of Burma.

Manchester Total burma blockade13.11.2007
Yesterday, up to 20 human rights campaigners blockaded a TOTAL garage on Oxford Road, Manchester. This was in protest at Total Oil’s investment in the military regime of Burma.

The activists, many of them students, blockaded the entrances to the petrol station successfully with the aid of 3 arm tubes. A large banner was displayed reading “Totally Out of Order – Fuelling oppression in Burma”. Leaflets were given out resulting in a number of supporting comments from people walking past.

a fourth arm tube was used to blockade the exit of the garage. The protest delayed the entry of a lorry delivering oil to the garage.

Police attended the protest but had made no attempt to remove those who were locked to each other with arm tubes by the time I left. There was also some mainstream media attention, notably from the Manchester Evening News.


National Day of Action against TOTALitarian Oil – Sat 24 Nov

For more details, see: